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Global stability of travelling fronts for a damped wave equation with bistable nonlinearity

Thierry Gallay, Romain Joly (2009)

Annales scientifiques de l'École Normale Supérieure

We consider the damped wave equation α u t t + u t = u x x - V ' ( u ) on the whole real line, where V is a bistable potential. This equation has travelling front solutions of the form u ( x , t ) = h ( x - s t ) which describe a moving interface between two different steady states of the system, one of which being the global minimum of V . We show that, if the initial data are sufficiently close to the profile of a front for large | x | , the solution of the damped wave equation converges uniformly on to a travelling front as t + . The proof of this global stability...

Growth of heterotrophe and autotrophe populations in an isolated terrestrial environment

Piotr Paweł Szopa, Monika Joanna Piotrowska (2011)

Applicationes Mathematicae

We consider the model, proposed by Dawidowicz and Zalasiński, describing the interactions between the heterotrophic and autotrophic organisms coexisting in a terrestrial environment with available oxygen. We modify this model by assuming intraspecific competition between heterotrophic organisms. Moreover, we introduce a diffusion of both types of organisms and oxygen. The basic properties of the extended model are examined and illustrated by numerical simulations.

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