Displaying 2821 – 2840 of 4754

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On solutions of functional equations determining subsemigroups of L¹₄

Janina Chodukowska, Zbigniew Marciniak (2010)

Colloquium Mathematicae

Let L¹₄ be the group of 4-jets at zero of diffeomorphisms f of ℝ with f(0) = 0. Identifying jets with sequences of derivatives, we determine all subsemigroups of L¹₄ consisting of quadruples (x₁,f(x₁,x₄),g(x₁,x₄),x₄) ∈ (ℝ∖{0}) × ℝ³ with continuous functions f,g:(ℝ∖{0}) × ℝ → ℝ. This amounts to solving a set of functional equations.

On solvability of the cohomology equation in function spaces

Ryotaro Sato (2003)

Studia Mathematica

Let T be an endomorphism of a probability measure space (Ω,𝓐,μ), and f be a real-valued measurable function on Ω. We consider the cohomology equation f = h ∘ T - h. Conditions for the existence of real-valued measurable solutions h in some function spaces are deduced. The results obtained generalize and improve a recent result of Alonso, Hong and Obaya.

On some completions of the space of hamiltonian maps

Vincent Humilière (2008)

Bulletin de la Société Mathématique de France

In one of his papers, C. Viterbo defined a distance on the set of Hamiltonian diffeomorphisms of 2 n endowed with the standard symplectic form ω 0 = d p d q . We study the completions of this space for the topology induced by Viterbo’s distance and some others derived from it, we study their different inclusions and give some of their properties. In particular, we give a convergence criterion for these distances that allows us to prove that the completions contain non-ordinary elements, as for example, discontinuous...

On some issues concerning polynomial cycles

Tadeusz Pezda (2013)

Communications in Mathematics

We consider two issues concerning polynomial cycles. Namely, for a discrete valuation domain R of positive characteristic (for N 1 ) or for any Dedekind domain R of positive characteristic (but only for N 2 ), we give a closed formula for a set 𝒞 Y C L ( R , N ) of all possible cycle-lengths for polynomial mappings in R N . Then we give a new property of sets 𝒞 Y C L ( R , 1 ) , which refutes a kind of conjecture posed by W. Narkiewicz.

On some notions of chaos in dimension zero

Rafał Pikuła (2007)

Colloquium Mathematicae

We compare four different notions of chaos in zero-dimensional systems (subshifts). We provide examples showing that in that case positive topological entropy does not imply strong chaos, strong chaos does not imply complicated dynamics at all, and ω-chaos does not imply Li-Yorke chaos.

On Spectral Stability of Solitary Waves of Nonlinear Dirac Equation in 1D⋆⋆

G. Berkolaiko, A. Comech (2012)

Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena

We study the spectral stability of solitary wave solutions to the nonlinear Dirac equation in one dimension. We focus on the Dirac equation with cubic nonlinearity, known as the Soler model in (1+1) dimensions and also as the massive Gross-Neveu model. Presented numerical computations of the spectrum of linearization at a solitary wave show that the solitary waves are spectrally stable. We corroborate our results by finding explicit expressions for...

On Stability in Impulsive Dynamical Systems

Krzysztof Ciesielski (2004)

Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Mathematics

Several results on stability in impulsive dynamical systems are proved. The first main result gives equivalent conditions for stability of a compact set. In particular, a generalization of Ura's theorem to the case of impulsive systems is shown. The second main theorem says that under some additional assumptions every component of a stable set is stable. Also, several examples indicating possible complicated phenomena in impulsive systems are presented.

On stability of forcing relations for multidimensional perturbations of interval maps

Ming-Chia Li, Piotr Zgliczyński (2009)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We show that all periods of periodic points forced by a pattern for interval maps are preserved for high-dimensional maps if the multidimensional perturbation is small. We also show that if an interval map has a fixed point associated with a homoclinic-like orbit then any small multidimensional perturbation has periodic points of all periods.

Currently displaying 2821 – 2840 of 4754