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On the preservation of combinatorial types for maps on trees

Lluís Alsedà, David Juher, Pere Mumbrú (2005)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

We study the preservation of the periodic orbits of an A -monotone tree map f : T T in the class of all tree maps g : S S having a cycle with the same pattern as A . We prove that there is a period-preserving injective map from the set of (almost all) periodic orbits of f into the set of periodic orbits of each map in the class. Moreover, the relative positions of the corresponding orbits in the trees T and S (which need not be homeomorphic) are essentially preserved.

On the primary orbits of star maps (first part)

Lluis Alsedà, Jose Miguel Moreno (2002)

Applicationes Mathematicae

This paper is the first one of a series of two, in which we characterize a class of primary orbits of self maps of the 4-star with the branching point fixed. This class of orbits plays, for such maps, the same role as the directed primary orbits of self maps of the 3-star with the branching point fixed. Some of the primary orbits (namely, those having at most one coloured arrow) are characterized at once for the general case of n-star maps.

On the primary orbits of star maps (second part: spiral orbits)

Lluís Alsedà, José Miguel Moreno (2002)

Applicationes Mathematicae

This paper is the second part of [2] and is devoted to the study of the spiral orbits of self maps of the 4-star with the branching point fixed, completing the characterization of the strongly directed primary orbits for such maps.

On the ∗-product in kneading theory

Karen Brucks, R. Galeeva, P. Mumbrú, D. Rockmore, Charles Tresser (1997)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We discuss a generalization of the *-product in kneading theory to maps with an arbitrary finite number of turning points. This is based on an investigation of the factorization of permutations into products of permutations with some special properties relevant for dynamics on the unit interval.

On the rate of convergence to the neutral attractor of a family of one-dimensional maps

T. Nowicki, M. Sviridenko, G. Świrszcz, S. Winograd (2009)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

For a family of maps f d ( p ) = 1 - ( 1 - p / d ) d , d ∈ [2,∞], p ∈ [0,1]. we analyze the speed of convergence (including constants) to the globally attracting neutral fixed point p = 0. The study is motivated by a problem in the optimization of routing. The aim of this paper is twofold: (1) to extend the usage of dynamical systems to unexplored areas of algorithms and (2) to provide a toolbox for a precise analysis of the iterates near a non-degenerate neutral fixed point.

On the relationship between hyperbolic and cone-hyperbolic structures in metric spaces

Marcin Mazur (2013)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

We give necessary and sufficient conditions for topological hyperbolicity of a homeomorphism of a metric space, restricted to a given compact invariant set. These conditions are related to the existence of an appropriate finite covering of this set and a corresponding cone-hyperbolic graph-directed iterated function system.

Currently displaying 3001 – 3020 of 4754