Displaying 121 – 140 of 386

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The geometry of dented pentagram maps

Boris Khesin, Fedor Soloviev (2016)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society

We propose a new family of natural generalizations of the pentagram map from 2D to higher dimensions and prove their integrability on generic twisted and closed polygons. In dimension d there are d 1 such generalizations called dented pentagram maps, and we describe their geometry, continuous limit, and Lax representations with a spectral parameter. We prove algebraic-geometric integrability of the dented pentagram maps in the 3D case and compare the dimensions of invariant tori for the dented maps...

The geometry of laminations

Robbert Fokkink, Lex Oversteegen (1996)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

A lamination is a continuum which locally is the product of a Cantor set and an arc. We investigate the topological structure and embedding properties of laminations. We prove that a nondegenerate lamination cannot be tree-like and that a planar lamination has at least four complementary domains. Furthermore, a lamination in the plane can be obtained by a lakes of Wada construction.

The Geometry of Model Spaces for Probability-Preserving Actions of Sofic Groups

Tim Austin (2016)

Analysis and Geometry in Metric Spaces

Bowen’s notion of sofic entropy is a powerful invariant for classifying probability-preserving actions of sofic groups. It can be defined in terms of the covering numbers of certain metric spaces associated to such an action, the ‘model spaces’. The metric geometry of these model spaces can exhibit various interesting features, some of which provide other invariants of the action. This paper explores an approximate connectedness property of the model spaces, and uses it give a new proof that certain...

The geometry of nondegeneracy conditions in completely integrable systems (corrected version of fascicule 4, volume XIV, 2005, p. 705-719)

Nicolas Roy (2006)

Annales de la faculté des sciences de Toulouse Mathématiques

Nondegeneracy conditions need to be imposed in K.A.M. theorems to insure that the set of diophantine tori has a large measure. Although they are usually expressed in action coordinates, it is possible to give a geometrical formulation using the notion of regular completely integrable systems defined by a fibration of a symplectic manifold by lagrangian tori together with a Hamiltonian function constant on the fibers. In this paper, we give a geometrical definition of different nondegeneracy conditions,...

The growth rate and dimension theory of beta-expansions

Simon Baker (2012)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

In a recent paper of Feng and Sidorov they show that for β ∈ (1,(1+√5)/2) the set of β-expansions grows exponentially for every x ∈ (0,1/(β-1)). In this paper we study this growth rate further. We also consider the set of β-expansions from a dimension theory perspective.

The index of a vector field tangent to a hypersurface and the signature of the relative jacobian determinant

Xavier Gómez-Mont, Pavao Mardešić (1997)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

Given a real analytic vector field tangent to a hypersurface V with an algebraically isolated singularity we introduce a relative Jacobian determinant in the finite dimensional algebra B Ann B ( h ) associated with the singularity of the vector field on V . We show that the relative Jacobian generates a 1-dimensional non-zero minimal ideal. With its help we introduce a non-degenerate bilinear pairing, and its signature measures the size of this point with sign. The signature satisfies a law of conservation of...

Currently displaying 121 – 140 of 386