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On a generalization of the Conley index

Marian Mrozek, James Reineck, Roman Srzednicki (1999)

Banach Center Publications

In this note we present the main ideas of the theory of the Conley index over a base space introduced in the papers [7, 8]. The theory arised as an attempt to solve two questions concerning the classical Conley index. In the definition of the index, the exit set of an isolating neighborhood is collapsed to a point. Some information is lost on this collapse. In particular, topological information about how a set sits in the phase space is lost. The first question addressed is how to retain some of...

On admissibility for parabolic equations in ℝⁿ

Martino Prizzi (2003)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We consider the parabolic equation (P) u t - Δ u = F ( x , u ) , (t,x) ∈ ℝ₊ × ℝⁿ, and the corresponding semiflow π in the phase space H¹. We give conditions on the nonlinearity F(x,u), ensuring that all bounded sets of H¹ are π-admissible in the sense of Rybakowski. If F(x,u) is asymptotically linear, under appropriate non-resonance conditions, we use Conley’s index theory to prove the existence of nontrivial equilibria of (P) and of heteroclinic trajectories joining some of these equilibria. The results obtained extend...

On foundations of the Conley index theory

Roman Srzednicki (1999)

Banach Center Publications

The Conley index theory was introduced by Charles C. Conley (1933-1984) in [C1] and a major part of the foundations of the theory was developed in Ph. D. theses of his students, see for example [Ch, Ku, Mon]. The Conley index associates the homotopy type of some pointed space to an isolated invariant set of a flow, just as the fixed point index associates an integer number to an isolated set of fixed points of a continuous map. Examples of isolated invariant sets arise naturally in the critical...

On perturbation of continuous maps

Maria Carbinatto (1999)

Banach Center Publications

In [1], the concept of singular isolating neighborhoods for a continuous family of continuous maps was presented. The work was based on Conley's result for a continuous family of continuous flows (cf. [2]). In this note, we study a particular family of continuous maps to illustrate the results in [1].

On stability of forcing relations for multidimensional perturbations of interval maps

Ming-Chia Li, Piotr Zgliczyński (2009)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We show that all periods of periodic points forced by a pattern for interval maps are preserved for high-dimensional maps if the multidimensional perturbation is small. We also show that if an interval map has a fixed point associated with a homoclinic-like orbit then any small multidimensional perturbation has periodic points of all periods.

On the Conley index in Hilbert spaces in the absence of uniqueness

Marek Izydorek, Krzysztof P. Rybakowski (2002)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

Consider the ordinary differential equation (1) ẋ = Lx + K(x) on an infinite-dimensional Hilbert space E, where L is a bounded linear operator on E which is assumed to be strongly indefinite and K: E → E is a completely continuous but not necessarily locally Lipschitzian map. Given any isolating neighborhood N relative to equation (1) we define a Conley-type index of N. This index is based on Galerkin approximation of equation (1) by finite-dimensional ODEs and extends...

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