Displaying 21 – 40 of 80

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On Limiting Case of the Stein-Weiss Type Inequality for the B-Riesz Potentials

Guliyev, Emin (2009)

Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis

Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary 42B20, 42B25, 42B35In this paper we study the Riesz potentials (B-Riesz potentials) generated by the Laplace-Bessel differential operator ∆B [...]. We establish an inequality of Stein-Weiss type for the B-Riesz potentials in the limiting case, and obtain the boundedness of the B-Riesz potential operator from the space Lp,|x|β,γ to BMO|x|−λ,γ.* Emin Guliyev’s research partially supported by the grant of INTAS YS Collaborative Call with Azerbaijan 2005...

On local properties of functions and singular integrals in terms of the mean oscillation

Rahim Rzaev, Lala Aliyeva (2008)

Open Mathematics

This paper is devoted to research on local properties of functions and multidimensional singular integrals in terms of their mean oscillation. The conditions guaranteeing existence of a derivative in the L p-sense at a given point are found. Spaces which remain invariant under singular integral operators are considered.

On Maximal Function on the Laguerre Hypergroup

Guliyev, Vagif, Assal, Miloud (2006)

Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis

2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 42B20, 42B25, 42B35Let K = [0, ∞)×R be the Laguerre hypergroup which is the fundamental manifold of the radial function space for the Heisenberg group. In this paper we consider the generalized shift operator, generated by Laguerre hypergroup, by means of which the maximal function is investigated. For 1 < p ≤ ∞ the Lp(K)-boundedness and weak L1(K)-boundedness result for the maximal function is obtained.* V. Guliyev partially supported by grant of INTAS...

On maximal functions with rough kernels in L (log L)1/2(Sn-1).

Ahmad Al-Salman (2005)

Collectanea Mathematica

In this paper, we study the Lp mapping properties of maximal functions with rough kernels that are related to certain class of singular integral operators. We prove that our maximal functions are bounded on Lp provided that their kernels are in L (log L)1/2(Sn-1). Moreover, we present an example showing that our size condition on the kernel is optimal. As a consequence of our result, we substantially improve previously known results on maximal functions, singular integral operators, and Parametric...

On multilinear fractional integrals

Loukas Grafakos (1992)

Studia Mathematica

In n , we prove L p × . . . × L p K boundedness for the multilinear fractional integrals I α ( f , . . . , f K ) ( x ) = ʃ f ( x - θ y ) . . . f K ( x - θ K y ) | y | α - n d y where the θ j ’s are nonzero and distinct. We also prove multilinear versions of two inequalities for fractional integrals and a multilinear Lebesgue differentiation theorem.

On multilinear singular integrals of Calderón-Zygmund type.

Loukas Grafakos, Rodolfo H. Torres (2002)

Publicacions Matemàtiques

A variety of results regarding multilinear singular Calderón-Zygmund integral operators is systematically presented. Several tools and techniques for the study of such operators are discussed. These include new multilinear endpoint weak type estimates, multilinear interpolation, appropriate discrete decompositions, a multilinear version of Schur's test, and a multilinear version of the T1 Theorem suitable for the study of multilinear pseudodifferential and translation invariant operators. A maximal...

On optimal parameters involved with two-weighted estimates of commutators of singular and fractional operators with Lipschitz symbols

Gladis Pradolini, Jorgelina Recchi (2023)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

We prove two-weighted norm estimates for higher order commutator of singular integral and fractional type operators between weighted L p and certain spaces that include Lipschitz, BMO and Morrey spaces. We also give the optimal parameters involved with these results, where the optimality is understood in the sense that the parameters defining the corresponding spaces belong to a certain region out of which the classes of weights are satisfied by trivial weights. We also exhibit pairs of nontrivial...

On rough maximal operators and Marcinkiewicz integrals along submanifolds

H. M. Al-Qassem, Y. Pan (2009)

Studia Mathematica

We investigate the L p boundedness for a class of parametric Marcinkiewicz integral operators associated to submanifolds and a class of related maximal operators under the L ( l o g L ) α ( n - 1 ) condition on the kernel functions. Our results improve and extend some known results.

On singular integrals of Calderón-type in Rn and BMO.

Steve Hofmann (1994)

Revista Matemática Iberoamericana

We prove Lp (and weighted Lp) bounds for singular integrals of the formp.v.  ∫Rn E (A(x) - A(y) / |x - y|) (Ω(x - y) / |x - y|n) f(y) dy,where E(t) = cos t if Ω is odd, and E(t) = sin t if Ω is even, and where ∇ A ∈ BMO. Even in the case that Ω is smooth, the theory of singular integrals with rough kernels plays a key role in the proof. By standard techniques, the trigonometric function E can then be replaced by a large class of smooth functions F. Some related operators are also considered. As...

Currently displaying 21 – 40 of 80