Displaying 21 – 40 of 260

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On a universality property of some abelian Polish groups

Su Gao, Vladimir Pestov (2003)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We show that every abelian Polish group is the topological factor group of a closed subgroup of the full unitary group of a separable Hilbert space with the strong operator topology. It follows that all orbit equivalence relations induced by abelian Polish group actions are Borel reducible to some orbit equivalence relations induced by actions of the unitary group.

On a weak type (1,1) inequality for a maximal conjugate function

Nakhlé Asmar, Stephen Montgomery-Smith (1997)

Studia Mathematica

In their celebrated paper [3], Burkholder, Gundy, and Silverstein used Brownian motion to derive a maximal function characterization of H p spaces for 0 < p < ∞. In the present paper, we show that the methods in [3] extend to higher dimensions and yield a dimension-free weak type (1,1) estimate for a conjugate function on the N-dimensional torus.

On Besov spaces and absolute convergence of the Fourier transform on Heisenberg groups

Leszek Skrzypczak (1998)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

In this paper the absolute convergence of the group Fourier transform for the Heisenberg group is investigated. It is proved that the Fourier transform of functions belonging to certain Besov spaces is absolutely convergent. The function spaces are defined in terms of the heat semigroup of the full Laplacian of the Heisenberg group.

On Beurling measure algebras

Ross Stokke (2022)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

We show how the measure theory of regular compacted-Borel measures defined on the δ -ring of compacted-Borel subsets of a weighted locally compact group ( G , ω ) provides a compatible framework for defining the corresponding Beurling measure algebra ( G , ω ) , thus filling a gap in the literature.

On (C,1) summability for Vilenkin-like systems

G. Gát (2001)

Studia Mathematica

We give a common generalization of the Walsh system, Vilenkin system, the character system of the group of 2-adic (m-adic) integers, the product system of normalized coordinate functions for continuous irreducible unitary representations of the coordinate groups of noncommutative Vilenkin groups, the UDMD product systems (defined by F. Schipp) and some other systems. We prove that for integrable functions σₙf → f (n → ∞) a.e., where σₙf is the nth (C,1) mean of f. (For the character system of the...

On certain porous sets in the Orlicz space of a locally compact group

Ibrahim Akbarbaglu, Saeid Maghsoudi (2012)

Colloquium Mathematicae

Let G be a locally compact group with a fixed left Haar measure. Given Young functions φ and ψ, we consider the Orlicz spaces L φ ( G ) and L ψ ( G ) on a non-unimodular group G, and, among other things, we prove that under mild conditions on φ and ψ, the set ( f , g ) L φ ( G ) × L ψ ( G ) : f * g is well defined on G is σ-c-lower porous in L φ ( G ) × L ψ ( G ) . This answers a question raised by Głąb and Strobin in 2010 in a more general setting of Orlicz spaces. We also prove a similar result for non-compact locally compact groups.

On certain products of Banach algebras with applications to harmonic analysis

Mehdi Sangani Monfared (2007)

Studia Mathematica

Given Banach algebras A and B with spectrum σ(B) ≠ ∅, and given θ ∈ σ(B), we define a product A × θ B , which is a strongly splitting Banach algebra extension of B by A. We obtain characterizations of bounded approximate identities, spectrum, topological center, minimal idempotents, and study the ideal structure of these products. By assuming B to be a Banach algebra in ₀(X) whose spectrum can be identified with X, we apply our results to harmonic analysis, and study the question of spectral synthesis,...

On certain regularity properties of Haar-null sets

Pandelis Dodos (2004)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

Let X be an abelian Polish group. For every analytic Haar-null set A ⊆ X let T(A) be the set of test measures of A. We show that T(A) is always dense and co-analytic in P(X). We prove that if A is compact then T(A) is G δ dense, while if A is non-meager then T(A) is meager. We also strengthen a result of Solecki and we show that for every analytic Haar-null set A, there exists a Borel Haar-null set B ⊇ A such that T(A)∖ T(B) is meager. Finally, under Martin’s Axiom and the negation of Continuum Hypothesis,...

On character amenable Banach algebras

Z. Hu, M. Sangani Monfared, T. Traynor (2009)

Studia Mathematica

We obtain characterizations of left character amenable Banach algebras in terms of the existence of left ϕ-approximate diagonals and left ϕ-virtual diagonals. We introduce the left character amenability constant and find this constant for some Banach algebras. For all locally compact groups G, we show that the Fourier-Stieltjes algebra B(G) is C-character amenable with C < 2 if and only if G is compact. We prove that if A is a character amenable, reflexive, commutative Banach algebra, then A...

On characterized subgroups of Abelian topological groups X and the group of all X -valued null sequences

S. S. Gabriyelyan (2014)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

Let X be an Abelian topological group. A subgroup H of X is characterized if there is a sequence 𝐮 = { u n } in the dual group of X such that H = { x X : ( u n , x ) 1 } . We reduce the study of characterized subgroups of X to the study of characterized subgroups of compact metrizable Abelian groups. Let c 0 ( X ) be the group of all X -valued null sequences and 𝔲 0 be the uniform topology on c 0 ( X ) . If X is compact we prove that c 0 ( X ) is a characterized subgroup of X if and only if X 𝕋 n × F , where n 0 and F is a finite Abelian group. For every compact Abelian...

Currently displaying 21 – 40 of 260