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Gabor meets Littlewood-Paley: Gabor expansions in L p ( d )

Karlheinz Gröchenig, Christopher Heil (2001)

Studia Mathematica

It is known that Gabor expansions do not converge unconditionally in L p and that L p cannot be characterized in terms of the magnitudes of Gabor coefficients. By using a combination of Littlewood-Paley and Gabor theory, we show that L p can nevertheless be characterized in terms of Gabor expansions, and that the partial sums of Gabor expansions converge in L p -norm.

Gagliardo-Nirenberg inequalities in logarithmic spaces

Agnieszka Kałamajska, Katarzyna Pietruska-Pałuba (2006)

Colloquium Mathematicae

We obtain interpolation inequalities for derivatives: M q , α ( | f ( x ) | ) d x C [ M p , β ( Φ ( x , | f | , | ( 2 ) f | ) ) d x + M r , γ ( Φ ( x , | f | , | ( 2 ) f | ) ) d x ] , and their counterparts expressed in Orlicz norms: ||∇f||²(q,α) ≤ C||Φ₁(x,|f|,|∇(2)f|)||(p,β) ||Φ₂(x,|f|,|∇(2)f|)||(r,γ) , where | | · | | ( s , κ ) is the Orlicz norm relative to the function M s , κ ( t ) = t s ( l n ( 2 + t ) ) κ . The parameters p,q,r,α,β,γ and the Carathéodory functions Φ₁,Φ₂ are supposed to satisfy certain consistency conditions. Some of the classical Gagliardo-Nirenberg inequalities follow as a special case. Gagliardo-Nirenberg inequalities in logarithmic spaces with higher...

Gagliardo-Nirenberg inequalities in weighted Orlicz spaces

Agnieszka Kałamajska, Katarzyna Pietruska-Pałuba (2006)

Studia Mathematica

We derive inequalities of Gagliardo-Nirenberg type in weighted Orlicz spaces on ℝⁿ, for maximal functions of derivatives and for the derivatives themselves. This is done by an application of pointwise interpolation inequalities obtained previously by the first author and of Muckenhoupt-Bloom-Kerman-type theorems for maximal functions.

Gauge integrals and series

Charles W. Swartz (2004)

Mathematica Bohemica

This note contains a simple example which does clearly indicate the differences in the Henstock-Kurzweil, McShane and strong McShane integrals for Banach space valued functions.

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