Displaying 201 – 220 of 1282

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Simultaneous stabilization in A ( )

Raymond Mortini, Brett D. Wick (2009)

Studia Mathematica

We study the problem of simultaneous stabilization for the algebra A ( ) . Invertible pairs ( f j , g j ) , j = 1,..., n, in a commutative unital algebra are called simultaneously stabilizable if there exists a pair (α,β) of elements such that α f j + β g j is invertible in this algebra for j = 1,..., n. For n = 2, the simultaneous stabilization problem admits a positive solution for any data if and only if the Bass stable rank of the algebra is one. Since A ( ) has stable rank two, we are faced here with a different situation....

Singlevaluedness of monotone operators on subspaces of GSG spaces

Martin Heisler (1996)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

We extend Zajíček’s theorem from [Za] about points of singlevaluedness of monotone operators on Asplund spaces. Namely we prove that every monotone operator on a subspace of a Banach space containing densely a continuous image of an Asplund space (these spaces are called GSG spaces) is singlevalued on the whole space except a σ -cone supported set.

Singular integral operators on Nakano spaces with weights having finite sets of discontinuities

Alexei Yu. Karlovich (2011)

Banach Center Publications

In 1968, Gohberg and Krupnik found a Fredholm criterion for singular integral operators of the form aP + bQ, where a,b are piecewise continuous functions and P,Q are complementary projections associated to the Cauchy singular integral operator, acting on Lebesgue spaces over Lyapunov curves. We extend this result to the case of Nakano spaces (also known as variable Lebesgue spaces) with certain weights having finite sets of discontinuities on arbitrary Carleson curves.

Currently displaying 201 – 220 of 1282