Universally weakly inner one-parameter automorphism groups of seperable C*-algebras, II.
The aim of the present paper is to study the class of tvs which we define by ommiting the word increasing in the definition of *-suprabarrelled spaces. We prove that the product of Baire tvs is *-UBL and hence the class of *-UBL spaces is stricty larger than the class of Baire spaces.
We prove that a Schauder frame for any separable Banach space is shrinking if and only if it has an associated space with a shrinking basis, and that a Schauder frame for any separable Banach space is shrinking and boundedly complete if and only if it has a reflexive associated space. To obtain these results, we prove that the upper and lower estimate theorems for finite-dimensional decompositions of Banach spaces can be extended and modified to Schauder frames. We show as well that if a separable...
Here we study the existence of lower and upper -estimates of sequences in some Banach sequence spaces. We also compute the sharp estimates in their basis. Finally, we give some applications to weak sequential continuity of polynomials.
Let M² denote a Minkowski plane, i.e., an affine plane whose metric is a gauge induced by a compact convex figure B which, as a unit circle of M², is not necessarily centered at the origin. Hence the self-perimeter of B has two values depending on the orientation of measuring it. We prove that this self-perimeter of B is bounded from above by the four-fold self-diameter of B. In addition, we derive a related non-trivial result on Minkowski planes whose unit circles are quadrangles.
The aim of this paper is to present a tool used to show that certain Banach spaces can be endowed with smooth equivalent norms. The hypothesis uses particular countable decompositions of certain subsets of , namely boundaries. Of interest is that the main result unifies two quite well known results. In the final section, some new corollaries are given.