Displaying 4321 – 4340 of 13205

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Generalized notions of amenability for a class of matrix algebras

Amir Sahami (2019)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

We investigate the amenability and its related homological notions for a class of I × I -upper triangular matrix algebra, say UP ( I , A ) , where A is a Banach algebra equipped with a nonzero character. We show that UP ( I , A ) is pseudo-contractible (amenable) if and only if I is singleton and A is pseudo-contractible (amenable), respectively. We also study pseudo-amenability and approximate biprojectivity of UP ( I , A ) .

Generalized precompactness and mixed topologies.

Jurie Conradie (1993)

Collectanea Mathematica

The equicontinuous sets of locally convex generalized inducted limit (or mixed) topologies are characterized as generalized precompact sets. Uniformly pre-Lebesgue and Lebesgue topologies in normed Riesz spaces are investigated and it is shown that order precompactness and mixed topologies can be used to great advantage in the study of these topologies.

Generalized q-deformed Gaussian random variables

Marek Bożejko, Hiroaki Yoshida (2006)

Banach Center Publications

We produce generalized q-Gaussian random variables which have two parameters of deformation. One of them is, of course, q as for the usual q-deformation. We also investigate the corresponding Wick formulas, which will be described by some joint statistics on pair partitions.

Generalized Sobolev Spaces of Exponential Type Associated with the Dunkl Operators

Assal, Miloud, Bouguila, Raouya (2006)

Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis

2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 35E45In this paper we study generalized Sobolev spaces H^sG of exponential type associated with the Dunkl operators based on the space G of test functions for generalized hyperfunctions and investigate their properties. Moreover, we introduce a class of symbols of exponential type and their associated pseudodifferential operators related to the Dunkl operators, which act naturally on H^sG.

Generalized spectral perturbation and the boundary spectrum

Sonja Mouton (2021)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

By considering arbitrary mappings ω from a Banach algebra A into the set of all nonempty, compact subsets of the complex plane such that for all a A , the set ω ( a ) lies between the boundary and connected hull of the exponential spectrum of a , we create a general framework in which to generalize a number of results involving spectra such as the exponential and singular spectra. In particular, we discover a number of new properties of the boundary spectrum.

Currently displaying 4321 – 4340 of 13205