Displaying 581 – 600 of 1578

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A note on Picard iterates of nonexpansive mappings

Eun Suk Kim, W. A. Kirk (2001)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

Let X be a Banach space, C a closed subset of X, and T:C → C a nonexpansive mapping. It has recently been shown that if X is reflexive and locally uniformly convex and if the fixed point set F(T) of T has nonempty interior then the Picard iterates of the mapping T always converge to a point of F(T). In this paper it is shown that if T is assumed to be asymptotically regular, this condition can be weakened much further. Finally, some observations are made about the geometric conditions imposed.

A Note on Preserved Smoothness

Tang, Wee-Kee (1996)

Serdica Mathematical Journal

* Supported by NSERC (Canada)Let X be a Banach space equipped with norm || · ||. We say that || · || is Gâteaux differentiable at x if for every h ∈ SX(|| · ||), (∗) lim t→0 (||x + th|| − ||x||) / t exists. We say that the norm || · || is Gâteaux differentiable if || · || is Gâteaux differentiable at all x ∈ SX(|| · ||).

A note on regular elements in Calkin algebras.

Vladimir Rakocevic (1992)

Collectanea Mathematica

An element a of the Banach algebra A is said to be regular provided there is an element b belonging to A such that a = aba. In this note we study the set of regular elements in the Calkin algebra C(X) over an infinite-dimensional complex Banach space X.

A note on Riesz spaces with property- b

Ş. Alpay, B. Altin, C. Tonyali (2006)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

We study an order boundedness property in Riesz spaces and investigate Riesz spaces and Banach lattices enjoying this property.

Currently displaying 581 – 600 of 1578