Displaying 841 – 860 of 1952

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On restricted weak upper semicontinuous set valued mappings and reflexivity

Julio Benítez, Vicente Montesinos (1999)

Bollettino dell'Unione Matematica Italiana

È noto che se uno spazio di Banach è quasi-smooth (cioè, la sua applicazione di dualità è debolmente semicontinua superiormente in senso ristretto), allora il suo duale non ha sottospazi chiusi normanti propri. Inoltre, se uno spazio di Banach ha una norma equivalente la cui applicazione di dualità ha un grafo che contiene superiormente un'applicazione debolmente semicontinua superiormente in senso ristretto, allora lo spazio è Asplund. Dimostriamo che se uno spazio di Banach ha una norma equivalente...

On Riesz homomorphisms in unital f -algebras

Elmiloud Chil (2009)

Mathematica Bohemica

The main topic of the first section of this paper is the following theorem: let A be an Archimedean f -algebra with unit element e , and T A A a Riesz homomorphism such that T 2 ( f ) = T ( f T ( e ) ) for all f A . Then every Riesz homomorphism extension T ˜ of T from the Dedekind completion A δ of A into itself satisfies T ˜ 2 ( f ) = T ˜ ( f T ( e ) ) for all f A δ . In the second section this result is applied in several directions. As a first application it is applied to show a result about extensions of positive projections to the Dedekind completion. A second application...

On S. Mazur's problems 8 and 88 from the Scottish Book

V. V. Peller (2007)

Studia Mathematica

The paper discusses Problems 8 and 88 posed by Stanisław Mazur in the Scottish Book. It turns out that negative solutions to both problems are immediate consequences of the results of Peller [J. Operator Theory 7 (1982)]. We discuss here some quantitative aspects of Problems 8 and 88 and give answers to open problems discussed in a recent paper of Pełczyński and Sukochev in connection with Problem 88.

On scalar-valued nonlinear absolutely summing mappings

Daniel Pellegrino (2004)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

We investigate cases ("coincidence situations") in which every scalar-valued continuous n-homogeneous polynomial (or every continuous n-linear mapping) is absolutely (p;q)-summing. We extend some well known coincidence situations and obtain several non-coincidence results, inspired by a linear technique due to Lindenstrauss and Pełczyński.

On Schwartz groups

L. Außenhofer, M. J. Chasco, X. Domínguez, V. Tarieladze (2007)

Studia Mathematica

We introduce a notion of a Schwartz group, which turns out to be coherent with the well known concept of a Schwartz topological vector space. We establish several basic properties of Schwartz groups and show that free topological Abelian groups, as well as free locally convex spaces, over hemicompact k-spaces are Schwartz groups. We also prove that every hemicompact k-space topological group, in particular the Pontryagin dual of a metrizable topological group, is a Schwartz group.

Currently displaying 841 – 860 of 1952