Displaying 1021 – 1040 of 1282

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Substitution formulas for the Kurzweil and Henstock vector integrals

Márcia Federson (2002)

Mathematica Bohemica

Results on integration by parts and integration by substitution for the variational integral of Henstock are well-known. When real-valued functions are considered, such results also hold for the Generalized Riemann Integral defined by Kurzweil since, in this case, the integrals of Kurzweil and Henstock coincide. However, in a Banach-space valued context, the Kurzweil integral properly contains that of Henstock. In the present paper, we consider abstract vector integrals of Kurzweil and prove Substitution...

Sudakov-type minoration for log-concave vectors

Rafał Latała (2014)

Studia Mathematica

We formulate and discuss a conjecture concerning lower bounds for norms of log-concave vectors, which generalizes the classical Sudakov minoration principle for Gaussian vectors. We show that the conjecture holds for some special classes of log-concave measures and some weaker forms of it are satisfied in the general case. We also present some applications based on chaining techniques.

Sufficient conditions for the spectrality of self-affine measures with prime determinant

Jian-Lin Li (2014)

Studia Mathematica

Let μ M , D be a self-affine measure associated with an expanding matrix M and a finite digit set D. We study the spectrality of μ M , D when |det(M)| = |D| = p is a prime. We obtain several new sufficient conditions on M and D for μ M , D to be a spectral measure with lattice spectrum. As an application, we present some properties of the digit sets of integral self-affine tiles, which are connected with a conjecture of Lagarias and Wang.

Sul teorema di Gelfand-Mazur

Nicola Rodino (1982)

Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali. Rendiconti Lincei. Matematica e Applicazioni

In this note we produce a complex algebra without characters and which does not contain a proper extension of the complex number field.

Currently displaying 1021 – 1040 of 1282