Displaying 101 – 120 of 445

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Reflected double layer potentials and Cauchy's operators

Dagmar Medková (1998)

Mathematica Bohemica

Necessary and sufficient conditions are given for the reflected Cauchy's operator (the reflected double layer potential operator) to be continuous as an operator from the space of all continuous functions on the boundary of the investigated domain to the space of all holomorphic functions on this domain (to the space of all harmonic functions on this domain) equipped with the topology of locally uniform convergence.

Reflexive spaces and numerical radius attaining operators.

María D. Acosta, M. Ruiz Galán (2000)

Extracta Mathematicae

In this note we deal with a version of James' Theorem for numerical radius, which was already considered in [4]. First of all, let us recall that this well known classical result states that a Banach space satisfying that all the (bounded and linear) functionals attain the norm, has to be reflexive [16].

Reflexive subspaces of some Orlicz spaces

Emmanuelle Lavergne (2008)

Colloquium Mathematicae

We show that when the conjugate of an Orlicz function ϕ satisfies the growth condition Δ⁰, then the reflexive subspaces of L ϕ are closed in the L¹-norm. For that purpose, we use (and give a new proof of) a result of J. Alexopoulos saying that weakly compact subsets of such L ϕ have equi-absolutely continuous norm.

Reflexivity and approximate fixed points

Eva Matoušková, Simeon Reich (2003)

Studia Mathematica

A Banach space X is reflexive if and only if every bounded sequence xₙ in X contains a norm attaining subsequence. This means that it contains a subsequence x n k for which s u p f S X * l i m s u p k f ( x n k ) is attained at some f in the dual unit sphere S X * . A Banach space X is not reflexive if and only if it contains a normalized sequence xₙ with the property that for every f S X * , there exists g S X * such that l i m s u p n f ( x ) < l i m i n f n g ( x ) . Combining this with a result of Shafrir, we conclude that every infinite-dimensional Banach space contains an unbounded closed convex...

Reflexivity of inductive limits

Jan Kučera (2004)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

An inductive locally convex limit of reflexive topological spaces is reflexive iff it is almost regular.

Reflexivity of spaces of weakly summable sequences.

L. Oubbi, M. A. Ould Sidaty (2007)


We deal with the space of Λ-summable sequences from a locally convex space E, where Λ is a metrizable perfect sequence space. We give a characterization of the reflexivity of Λ(E) in terms of that of Λ and E and the AK property. In particular, we prove that if Λ is an echelon sequence space and E is a Fréchet space then Λ(E) is reflexive if and only if Λ and E are reflexive.

Reflexivity of the isometry group of some classical spaces.

Félix Cabello Sánchez, Lajos Molnár (2002)

Revista Matemática Iberoamericana

We investigate the reflexivity of the isometry group and the automorphism group of some important metric linear spaces and a1gebras. The paper consists of the following sections: 1. Preliminaries. 2. Sequence spaces. 3. Spaces of measurable functions. Hardy spaces. 5. Banach algebras of holomorphic functions. 6. Fréchet algebras of holomorphic functions. 7. Spaces of continuous functions.

Currently displaying 101 – 120 of 445