Displaying 1341 – 1360 of 1952

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On the KR and WKR points of Orlicz.

Yunan Cui, Yunfeng Zhang (1997)

Collectanea Mathematica

In this paper, we obtain criteria for KR and WKR points in Orlicz function spaces equipped with the Luxemburg norm.

On the K-theory of the C * -algebra generated by the left regular representation of an Ore semigroup

Joachim Cuntz, Siegfried Echterhoff, Xin Li (2015)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society

We compute the K -theory of C * -algebras generated by the left regular representation of left Ore semigroups satisfying certain regularity conditions. Our result describes the K -theory of these semigroup C * -algebras in terms of the K -theory for the reduced group C * -algebras of certain groups which are typically easier to handle. Then we apply our result to specific semigroups from algebraic number theory.

On the lambda-property and computation of the lambda-function of some normed spaces.

Mohamed Akkouchi, Hassan Sadiky (1993)

Extracta Mathematicae

R. M. Aron and R. H. Lohman introduced, in [1], the notion of lambda-property in a normed space and calculated the lambda-function for some classical normed spaces. In this paper we give some more general remarks on this lambda-property and compute the lambda-function of other normed spaces, namely: B(S,∑,X) and Md(E).

On the Lebesgue decomposition of the normal states of a JBW-algebra

Jacques Dubois, Brahim Hadjou (1992)

Mathematica Bohemica

In this article, a theorem is proved asserting that any linear functional defined on a JBW-algebra admits a Lebesque decomposition with respect to any normal state defined on the algebra. Then we show that the positivity (and the unicity) of this decomposition is insured for the trace states defined on the algebra. In fact, this property can be used to give a new characterization of the trace states amoungst all the normal states.

On the Lifshits Constant for Hyperspaces

K. Leśniak (2007)

Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Mathematics

The Lifshits theorem states that any k-uniformly Lipschitz map with a bounded orbit on a complete metric space X has a fixed point provided k < ϰ(X) where ϰ(X) is the so-called Lifshits constant of X. For many spaces we have ϰ(X) > 1. It is interesting whether we can use the Lifshits theorem in the theory of iterated function systems. Therefore we investigate the value of the Lifshits constant for several classes of hyperspaces.

Currently displaying 1341 – 1360 of 1952