Displaying 1781 – 1800 of 13204

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Best constants for some operators associated with the Fourier and Hilbert transforms

B. Hollenbeck, N. J. Kalton, I. E. Verbitsky (2003)

Studia Mathematica

We determine the norm in L p ( ) , 1 < p < ∞, of the operator I - s c , where c and s are respectively the cosine and sine Fourier transforms on the positive real axis, and I is the identity operator. This solves a problem posed in 1984 by M. S. Birman [Bir] which originated in scattering theory for unbounded obstacles in the plane. We also obtain the L p -norms of the operators aI + bH, where H is the Hilbert transform (conjugate function operator) on the circle or real line, for arbitrary real a,b. Best...

Between Paouris concentration inequality and variance conjecture

B. Fleury (2010)

Annales de l'I.H.P. Probabilités et statistiques

We prove an almost isometric reverse Hölder inequality for the euclidean norm on an isotropic generalized Orlicz ball which interpolates Paouris concentration inequality and variance conjecture. We study in this direction the case of isotropic convex bodies with an unconditional basis and the case of general convex bodies.

Between the Paley-Wiener theorem and the Bochner tube theorem

Zofia Szmydt, Bogdan Ziemian (1995)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

We present the classical Paley-Wiener-Schwartz theorem [1] on the Laplace transform of a compactly supported distribution in a new framework which arises naturally in the study of the Mellin transformation. In particular, sufficient conditions for a function to be the Mellin (Laplace) transform of a compactly supported distribution are given in the form resembling the Bochner tube theorem [2].

Beurling algebra analogues of theorems of Wiener-Lévy-Żelazko and Żelazko

S. J. Bhatt, P. A. Dabhi, H. V. Dedania (2009)

Studia Mathematica

Let 0 < p ≤ 1, let ω: ℤ → [1,∞) be a weight on ℤ and let f be a nowhere vanishing continuous function on the unit circle Γ whose Fourier series satisfies n | f ̂ ( n ) | p ω ( n ) < . Then there exists a weight ν on ℤ such that n | ( 1 / f ) ^ ( n ) | p ν ( n ) < . Further, ν is non-constant if and only if ω is non-constant; and ν = ω if ω is non-quasianalytic. This includes the classical Wiener theorem (p = 1, ω = 1), Domar theorem (p = 1, ω is non-quasianalytic), Żelazko theorem (ω = 1) and a recent result of Bhatt and Dedania (p = 1). An analogue of...

Beurling algebras and uniform norms

S. J. Bhatt, H. V. Dedania (2004)

Studia Mathematica

Given a locally compact abelian group G with a measurable weight ω, it is shown that the Beurling algebra L¹(G,ω) admits either exactly one uniform norm or infinitely many uniform norms, and that L¹(G,ω) admits exactly one uniform norm iff it admits a minimum uniform norm.

Beurling-Figà-Talamanca-Herz algebras

Serap Öztop, Volker Runde, Nico Spronk (2012)

Studia Mathematica

For a locally compact group G and p ∈ (1,∞), we define and study the Beurling-Figà-Talamanca-Herz algebras A p ( G , ω ) . For p = 2 and abelian G, these are precisely the Beurling algebras on the dual group Ĝ. For p = 2 and compact G, our approach subsumes an earlier one by H. H. Lee and E. Samei. The key to our approach is not to define Beurling algebras through weights, i.e., possibly unbounded continuous functions, but rather through their inverses, which are bounded continuous functions. We prove that...

Currently displaying 1781 – 1800 of 13204