Displaying 81 – 100 of 215

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Holomorphic functions and Banach-nuclear decompositions of Fréchet spaces

Seán Dineen (1995)

Studia Mathematica

We introduce a decomposition of holomorphic functions on Fréchet spaces which reduces to the Taylor series expansion in the case of Banach spaces and to the monomial expansion in the case of Fréchet nuclear spaces with basis. We apply this decomposition to obtain examples of Fréchet spaces E for which the τ_{ω} and τ_{δ} topologies on H(E) coincide. Our result includes, with simplified proofs, the main known results-Banach spaces with an unconditional basis and Fréchet nuclear spaces with DN [2,...

Inductive duals of distinguished frechet spaces

José Bonet, Susanne Dierolf (1996)

Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas Físicas y Naturales

The purpose of this note is to give an example of a distinguished Fréchet space and a non-distinguished Fréchet space which have the same inductive dual. Accordingly, distinguishedness is a property which is not reflected in the inductive dual. In contrast to this example, it was known that the properties of being quasinormable or having the density condition can be characterized in terms of the inductive dual of a Fréchet space.

Limited spaces

N. De Grande-De Kimpe, C. Perez-Garcia (1995)

Annales mathématiques Blaise Pascal

Linear topological invariants of spaces of holomorphic functions in infinite dimension.

Nguyen Minh Ha, Le Mau Hai (1995)

Publicacions Matemàtiques

It is shown that if E is a Frechet space with the strong dual E* then Hb(E*), the space of holomorphic functions on E* which are bounded on every bounded set in E*, has the property (DN) when E ∈ (DN) and that Hb(E*) ∈ (Ω) when E ∈ (Ω) and either E* has an absolute basis or E is a Hilbert-Frechet-Montel space. Moreover the complementness of ideals J(V) consisting of holomorphic functions on E* which are equal to 0 on V in H(E*) for every nuclear Frechet space E with E ∈ (DN) ∩ (Ω) is stablished...

l(Φ,φ) operators and (Φ,φ)-spaces.

Nicolae Tita (1979)

Collectanea Mathematica

A new class of linear and bounded operators is introduced. This class is more general than the classes of operators from [4], [5] and [8]. Using this class lΦ,φ we also introduce a class of locally convex spaces which is more general than the classes of the nuclear spaces [2], [3] and φ-nuclear spaces [6]. For this class of operators similar properties are established to those of the well known classes lp, lφ, lΦ and also the stability of the tensor product is proved. The stability of the tensor...

Currently displaying 81 – 100 of 215