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A generalization of the Hahn-Banach theorem

Jolanta Plewnia (1993)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

If C is a non-empty convex subset of a real linear space E, p: E → ℝ is a sublinear function and f:C → ℝ is concave and such that f ≤ p on C, then there exists a linear function g:E → ℝ such that g ≤ p on E and f ≤ g on C. In this result of Hirano, Komiya and Takahashi we replace the sublinearity of p by convexity.

A Lifting Result for Locally Pseudo-Convex Subspaces of L₀

Félix Cabello Sánchez (2006)

Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Mathematics

It is shown that if F is a topological vector space containing a complete, locally pseudo-convex subspace E such that F/E = L₀ then E is complemented in F and so F = E⊕ L₀. This generalizes results by Kalton and Peck and Faber.

A proof of the Grünbaum conjecture

Bruce L. Chalmers, Grzegorz Lewicki (2010)

Studia Mathematica

Let V be an n-dimensional real Banach space and let λ(V) denote its absolute projection constant. For any N ∈ N with N ≥ n define λ N = s u p λ ( V ) : d i m ( V ) = n , V l ( N ) , λₙ = supλ(V): dim(V) = n. A well-known Grünbaum conjecture [Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 95 (1960)] says that λ₂ = 4/3. König and Tomczak-Jaegermann [J. Funct. Anal. 119 (1994)] made an attempt to prove this conjecture. Unfortunately, their Proposition 3.1, used in the proof, is incorrect. In this paper a complete proof of the Grünbaum conjecture is presented

A simple proof in Monge-Kantorovich duality theory

D. A. Edwards (2010)

Studia Mathematica

A simple proof is given of a Monge-Kantorovich duality theorem for a lower bounded lower semicontinuous cost function on the product of two completely regular spaces. The proof uses only the Hahn-Banach theorem and some properties of Radon measures, and allows the case of a bounded continuous cost function on a product of completely regular spaces to be treated directly, without the need to consider intermediate cases. Duality for a semicontinuous cost function is then deduced via the use of an...

A splitting theory for the space of distributions

P. Domański, D. Vogt (2000)

Studia Mathematica

The splitting problem is studied for short exact sequences consisting of countable projective limits of DFN-spaces (*) 0 → F → X → G → 0, where F or G are isomorphic to the space of distributions D'. It is proved that every sequence (*) splits for F ≃ D' iff G is a subspace of D' and that, for ultrabornological F, every sequence (*) splits for G ≃ D' iff F is a quotient of D'

A theorem of the Hahn-Banach type and its applications

Zbigniew Gajda, Andrzej Smajdor, Wilhelmina Smajdor (1992)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

Let Y be a subgroup of an abelian group X and let T be a given collection of subsets of a linear space E over the rationals. Moreover, suppose that F is a subadditive set-valued function defined on X with values in T. We establish some conditions under which every additive selection of the restriction of F to Y can be extended to an additive selection of F. We also present some applications of results of this type to the stability of functional equations.

Abstract separation theorems of Rodé type and their applications

Kazimierz Nikodem, Zsolt Páles, Szymon Wąsowicz (1999)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

Sufficient and necessary conditions are presented under which two given functions can be separated by a function Π-affine in Rodé sense (resp. Π-convex, Π-concave). As special cases several old and new separation theorems are obtained.

An approximation theorem related to good compact sets in the sense of Martineau

Jean-Pierre Rosay, Edgar Lee Stout (2000)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

This note contains an approximation theorem that implies that every compact subset of n is a good compact set in the sense of Martineau. The property in question is fundamental for the extension of analytic functionals. The approximation theorem depends on a finiteness result about certain polynomially convex hulls.

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