Displaying 301 – 320 of 336

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The weak Phillips property

Ali Ülger (2001)

Colloquium Mathematicae

Let X be a Banach space. If the natural projection p:X*** → X* is sequentially weak*-weak continuous then the space X is said to have the weak Phillips property. We present several characterizations of the spaces having this property and study its relationships to other Banach space properties, especially the Grothendieck property.

Three-space problems and bounded approximation properties

Wolfgang Lusky (2003)

Studia Mathematica

Let R n = 1 be a commuting approximating sequence of the Banach space X leaving the closed subspace A ⊂ X invariant. Then we prove three-space results of the following kind: If the operators Rₙ induce basis projections on X/A, and X or A is an p -space, then both X and A have bases. We apply these results to show that the spaces C Λ = s p a n ¯ z k : k Λ C ( ) and L Λ = s p a n ¯ z k : k Λ L ( ) have bases whenever Λ ⊂ ℤ and ℤ∖Λ is a Sidon set.

Types of tightness in spaces with unconditional basis

Antonis Manoussakis, Anna Pelczar-Barwacz (2014)

Studia Mathematica

We present a reflexive Banach space with an unconditional basis which is quasi-minimal and tight by range, i.e. of type (4) in Ferenczi-Rosendal's list related to Gowers' classification program of Banach spaces, but in contrast to the recently constructed space of type (4), our space is also tight with constants, thus essentially extending the list of known examples in Gowers' program. The space is defined on the basis of a boundedly modified mixed Tsirelson space with the use of a special coding...

Uncomplementability of spaces of compact operators in larger spaces of operators

Giovanni Emmanuele, Kamil John (1997)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

In the first part of the paper we prove some new result improving all those already known about the equivalence of the nonexistence of a projection (of any norm) onto the space of compact operators and the containment of c 0 in the same space of compact operators. Then we show several results implying that the space of compact operators is uncomplemented by norm one projections in larger spaces of operators. The paper ends with a list of questions naturally rising from old results and the results...

Uniform Eberlein Compacta and Uniformly Gâteaux Smooth Norms

Fabian, Marián, Hájek, Petr, Zizler, Václav (1997)

Serdica Mathematical Journal

* Supported by grants: AV ĈR 101-95-02, GAĈR 201-94-0069 (Czech Republic) and NSERC 7926 (Canada).It is shown that the dual unit ball BX∗ of a Banach space X∗ in its weak star topology is a uniform Eberlein compact if and only if X admits a uniformly Gâteaux smooth norm and X is a subspace of a weakly compactly generated space. The bidual unit ball BX∗∗ of a Banach space X∗∗ in its weak star topology is a uniform Eberlein compact if and only if X admits a weakly uniformly rotund norm. In this case...

Uniformly convex operators and martingale type.

Jörg Wenzel (2002)

Revista Matemática Iberoamericana

The concept of uniform convexity of a Banach space was gen- eralized to linear operators between Banach spaces and studied by Beauzamy [1]. Under this generalization, a Banach space X is uniformly convex if and only if its identity map Ix is. Pisier showe

Uniformly Gâteaux Differentiable Norms in Spaces with Unconditional Basis

Rychter, Jan (2000)

Serdica Mathematical Journal

*Supported in part by GAˇ CR 201-98-1449 and AV 101 9003. This paper is based on a part of the author’s MSc thesis written under the supervison of Professor V. Zizler.It is shown that a Banach space X admits an equivalent uniformly Gateaux differentiable norm if it has an unconditional basis and X* admits an equivalent norm which is uniformly rotund in every direction.

Using boundaries to find smooth norms

Victor Bible (2014)

Studia Mathematica

The aim of this paper is to present a tool used to show that certain Banach spaces can be endowed with C k smooth equivalent norms. The hypothesis uses particular countable decompositions of certain subsets of B X * , namely boundaries. Of interest is that the main result unifies two quite well known results. In the final section, some new corollaries are given.

Valdivia compacta and equivalent norms

Ondřej Kalenda (2000)

Studia Mathematica

We prove that the dual unit ball of a Banach space X is a Corson compactum provided that the dual unit ball with respect to every equivalent norm on X is a Valdivia compactum. As a corollary we show that the dual unit ball of a Banach space X of density 1 is Corson if (and only if) X has a projectional resolution of the identity with respect to every equivalent norm. These results answer questions asked by M. Fabian, G. Godefroy and V. Zizler and yield a converse to Amir-Lindenstrauss’ theorem.

Vector series whose lacunary subseries converge

Lech Drewnowski, Iwo Labuda (2000)

Studia Mathematica

The area of research of this paper goes back to a 1930 result of H. Auerbach showing that a scalar series is (absolutely) convergent if all its zero-density subseries converge. A series n x n in a topological vector space X is called ℒ-convergent if each of its lacunary subseries k x n k (i.e. those with n k + 1 - n k ) converges. The space X is said to have the Lacunary Convergence Property, or LCP, if every ℒ-convergent series in X is convergent; in fact, it is then subseries convergent. The Zero-Density Convergence...

Currently displaying 301 – 320 of 336