Polynomial bounds on the number of scattering poles for symmetric systems
We consider a continuous derivation D on a Banach algebra 𝓐 such that p(D) is a compact operator for some polynomial p. It is shown that either 𝓐 has a nonzero finite-dimensional ideal not contained in the radical rad(𝓐) of 𝓐 or there exists another polynomial p̃ such that p̃(D) maps 𝓐 into rad(𝓐). A special case where Dⁿ is compact is discussed in greater detail.
We continue the paper [Ts] on the boundedness of polynomials in the Volterra operator. This provides new ways of constructing power-bounded operators. It seems interesting to point out that a similar procedure applies to the operators satisfying the Ritt resolvent condition: compare Theorem 5 and Theorem 9 below.
We show that the Porous Medium Equation and the Fast Diffusion Equation, , with , can be modeled as a gradient system in the Hilbert space , and we obtain existence and uniqueness of solutions in this framework. We deal with bounded and certain unbounded open sets and do not require any boundary regularity. Moreover, the approach is used to discuss the asymptotic behaviour and order preservation of solutions.
E. Hille [Hi1] gave an example of an operator in L¹[0,1] satisfying the mean ergodic theorem (MET) and such that supₙ||Tⁿ|| = ∞ (actually, ). This was the first example of a non-power bounded mean ergodic L¹ operator. In this note, the possible rates of growth (in n) of the norms of Tⁿ for such operators are studied. We show that, for every γ > 0, there are positive L¹ operators T satisfying the MET with lim supn→ ∞ ||Tⁿ||/n1-γ₀ = 0A class of numerical sequences αₙ, intimately related to the...
A characterization of the structure of positive maps is presented. This sheds some more light on the old open problem studied both in Quantum Information and Operator Algebras. Our arguments are based on the concept of exposed points, links between tensor products and mapping spaces and convex analysis.
For C*-algebras A and B and a Hilbert space H, a class of bilinear maps Φ: A× B → L(H), analogous to completely positive linear maps, is studied. A Stinespring type representation theorem is proved, and in case A and B are commutative, the class is shown to coincide with that of positive bilinear maps. As an application, the extendibility of a positive operator bimeasure to a positive operator measure is shown to be equivalent to various conditions involving positive scalar bimeasures, pairs of...