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Ground states of nonlinear Schrödinger equations with potentials vanishing at infinity

Antonio Ambrosetti, Veronica Felli, Andrea Malchiodi (2005)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society

We deal with a class on nonlinear Schrödinger equations (NLS) with potentials V ( x ) | x | α , 0 < α < 2 , and K ( x ) | x | β , β > 0 . Working in weighted Sobolev spaces, the existence of ground states v ε belonging to W 1 , 2 ( N ) is proved under the assumption that σ < p < ( N + 2 ) / ( N 2 ) for some σ = σ N , α , β . Furthermore, it is shown that v ε are spikes concentrating at a minimum point of 𝒜 = V θ K 2 / ( p 1 ) , where θ = ( p + 1 ) / ( p 1 ) 1 / 2 .

Growth of (frequently) hypercyclic functions for differential operators

Hans-Peter Beise, Jürgen Müller (2011)

Studia Mathematica

We investigate the conjugate indicator diagram or, equivalently, the indicator function of (frequently) hypercyclic functions of exponential type for differential operators. This gives insights into growth conditions for these functions on particular rays or sectors. Our research extends known results in several respects.

Growth of semigroups in discrete and continuous time

Alexander Gomilko, Hans Zwart, Niels Besseling (2011)

Studia Mathematica

We show that the growth rates of solutions of the abstract differential equations ẋ(t) = Ax(t), ( t ) = A - 1 x ( t ) , and the difference equation x d ( n + 1 ) = ( A + I ) ( A - I ) - 1 x d ( n ) are closely related. Assuming that A generates an exponentially stable semigroup, we show that on a general Banach space the lowest growth rate of the semigroup ( e A - 1 t ) t 0 is O(∜t), and for ( ( A + I ) ( A - I ) - 1 ) it is O(∜n). The similarity in growth holds for all Banach spaces. In particular, for Hilbert spaces the best estimates are O(log(t)) and O(log(n)), respectively. Furthermore, we give conditions...

Growth orders of Cesàro and Abel means of uniformly continuous operator semi-groups and cosine functions

Ryotaro Sato (2010)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

It will be proved that if N is a bounded nilpotent operator on a Banach space X of order k + 1 , where k 1 is an integer, then the γ -th order Cesàro mean C t γ : = γ t - γ 0 t ( t - s ) γ - 1 T ( s ) d s and Abel mean A λ : = λ 0 e - λ s T ( s ) d s of the uniformly continuous semigroup ( T ( t ) ) t 0 of bounded linear operators on X generated by i a I + N , where 0 a , satisfy that (a) C t γ t k - γ ( t ) for all 0 < γ k + 1 ; (b) C t γ t - 1 ( t ) for all γ k + 1 ; (c) A λ λ ( λ 0 ) . A similar result will be also proved for the uniformly continuous cosine function ( C ( t ) ) t 0 of bounded linear operators on X generated by ( i a I + N ) 2 .

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