Banach spaces of compact operators
We prove that a Banach space X with a supershrinking basis (a special type of shrinking basis) without copies is somewhat reflexive (every infinite-dimensional subspace contains an infinite-dimensional reflexive subspace). Furthermore, applying the -theorem by Rosenthal, it is proved that X contains order-one quasireflexive subspaces if X is not reflexive. Also, we obtain a characterization of the usual basis in .
Let X be a Banach space. Let 𝓐(X) be a closed ideal in the algebra ℒ(X) of the operators acting on X. We say that ℒ(X)/𝓐(X) is a Calkin algebra whenever the Fredholm operators on X coincide with the operators whose class in ℒ(X)/𝓐(X) is invertible. Among other examples, we have the cases in which 𝓐(X) is the ideal of compact, strictly singular, strictly cosingular and inessential operators, and some other ideals introduced as perturbation classes in Fredholm theory. Our aim is to present some...
Using axiomatic joint spectra we obtain a functional calculus which extends our previous Gelfand-Waelbroeck type results to include a Banach-valued Taylor-Waelbroeck spectrum.
Structural change for the Koyck Distributed Lag Model is analyzed through the Bayesian approach. The posterior distribution of the break point is derived with the use of the normal-gamma prior density and the break point, ν, is estimated by the value that attains the Highest Posterior Probability (HPP). Simulation study is done using R. Given the parameter values ϕ = 0.2 and λ = 0.3, the full detection of the structural change when σ² = 1 is generally attained at ν + 1. The after...
The standard Berezin and Berezin-Toeplitz quantizations on a Kähler manifold are based on operator symbols and on Toeplitz operators, respectively, on weighted L2-spaces of holomorphic functions (weighted Bergman spaces). In both cases, the construction basically uses only the fact that these spaces have a reproducing kernel. We explore the possibilities of using other function spaces with reproducing kernels instead, such as L2-spaces of harmonic functions, Sobolev spaces, Sobolev spaces of holomorphic...