-bounded semigroups and implicit evolution equations.
We investigate a scale of -spaces defined with the help of certain Lorentz norms. The results are applied to extrapolation techniques concerning operators defined on adapted sequences. Our extrapolation works simultaneously with two operators, starts with --estimates, and arrives at --estimates, or more generally, at estimates between K-functionals from interpolation theory.
Let X, Y be Banach spaces, S: X → Y and R: Y → X be bounded operators. We investigate common spectral properties of RS and SR. We then apply the result obtained to extensions, Aluthge transforms and upper triangular operator matrices.
Let R and S be two operators on a Hilbert space. We discuss the link between the subscalarity of RS and SR. As an application, we show that backward Aluthge iterates of hyponormal operators and p-quasihyponormal operators are subscalar.
The concept of k-step full backward extension for subnormal operators is adapted to the context of completely hyperexpansive operators. The question of existence of k-step full backward extension is solved within this class of operators with the help of an operator version of the Levy-Khinchin formula. Some new phenomena in comparison with subnormal operators are found and related classes of operators are discussed as well.
We show that the classes associated with the Bernstein numbers bₙ fail to be operator ideals. Moreover, for 1/r = 1/p + 1/q.
Strongly Fejér monotone mappings are widely used to solve convex problems by corresponding iterative methods. Here the maximal of such mappings with respect to set inclusion of the images are investigated. These mappings supply restriction zones for the successors of Fejér monotone iterative methods. The basic tool is the representation of the images by intersection of certain balls.
We study Banach spaces X with subspaces Y whose unit ball is densely remotal in X. We show that for several classes of Banach spaces, the unit ball of the space of compact operators is densely remotal in the space of bounded operators. We also show that for several classical Banach spaces, the unit ball is densely remotal in the duals of higher even order. We show that for a separable remotal set E ⊆ X, the set of Bochner integrable functions with values in E is a remotal set in L¹(μ,X).
In this article, we describe some basic properties of the Banach algebra which is constructed from all bounded complex-valued functionals.
Given a complex Hilbert space H, we study the manifold of algebraic elements in . We represent as a disjoint union of closed connected subsets M of Z each of which is an orbit under the action of G, the group of all C*-algebra automorphisms of Z. Those orbits M consisting of hermitian algebraic elements with a fixed finite rank r, (0< r<∞) are real-analytic direct submanifolds of Z. Using the C*-algebra structure of Z, a Banach-manifold structure and a G-invariant torsionfree affine...
We establish a non-commutative analog of the classical Banach Principle on the almost everywhere convergence of sequences of measurable functions. The result is stated in terms of quasi-uniform (or almost uniform) convergence of sequences of measurable (with respect to a trace) operators affiliated with a semifinite von Neumann algebra. Then we discuss possible applications of this result.
We solve several problems in the theory of polynomials in Banach spaces. (i) There exist Banach spaces without the Dunford-Pettis property and without upper p-estimates in which all multilinear forms are weakly sequentially continuous: some Lorentz sequence spaces, their natural preduals and, most notably, the dual of Schreier's space. (ii) There exist Banach spaces X without the Dunford-Pettis property such that all multilinear forms on X and X* are weakly sequentially continuous; this gives an...