Displaying 481 – 500 of 11135

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A note on local automorphisms

Ajda Fošner (2006)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

Let H be an infinite-dimensional almost separable Hilbert space. We show that every local automorphism of ( H ) , the algebra of all bounded linear operators on a Hilbert space H , is an automorphism.

A note on Markov operators and transition systems

Bartosz Frej (2002)

Colloquium Mathematicae

On a compact metric space X one defines a transition system to be a lower semicontinuous map X 2 X . It is known that every Markov operator on C(X) induces a transition system on X and that commuting of Markov operators implies commuting of the induced transition systems. We show that even in finite spaces a pair of commuting transition systems may not be induced by commuting Markov operators. The existence of trajectories for a pair of transition systems or Markov operators is also investigated.

A note on maximal estimates for stochastic convolutions

Mark Veraar, Lutz Weis (2011)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

In stochastic partial differential equations it is important to have pathwise regularity properties of stochastic convolutions. In this note we present a new sufficient condition for the pathwise continuity of stochastic convolutions in Banach spaces.

A note on Minty type vector variational inequalities

Giovanni P. Crespi, Ivan Ginchev, Matteo Rocca (2005)

RAIRO - Operations Research - Recherche Opérationnelle

The existence of solutions to a scalar Minty variational inequality of differential type is usually related to monotonicity property of the primitive function. On the other hand, solutions of the variational inequality are global minimizers for the primitive function. The present paper generalizes these results to vector variational inequalities putting the Increasing Along Rays (IAR) property into the center of the discussion. To achieve that infinite elements in the image space Y are introduced....

A note on Minty type vector variational inequalities

Giovanni P. Crespi, Ivan Ginchev, Matteo Rocca (2006)

RAIRO - Operations Research

The existence of solutions to a scalar Minty variational inequality of differential type is usually related to monotonicity property of the primitive function. On the other hand, solutions of the variational inequality are global minimizers for the primitive function. The present paper generalizes these results to vector variational inequalities putting the Increasing Along Rays (IAR) property into the center of the discussion. To achieve that infinite elements in the image space Y are introduced. Under...

A note on Picard iterates of nonexpansive mappings

Eun Suk Kim, W. A. Kirk (2001)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

Let X be a Banach space, C a closed subset of X, and T:C → C a nonexpansive mapping. It has recently been shown that if X is reflexive and locally uniformly convex and if the fixed point set F(T) of T has nonempty interior then the Picard iterates of the mapping T always converge to a point of F(T). In this paper it is shown that if T is assumed to be asymptotically regular, this condition can be weakened much further. Finally, some observations are made about the geometric conditions imposed.

A note on preservation of spectra for two given operators

Carlos Carpintero, Alexander Gutiérrez, Ennis Rosas, José Sanabria (2020)

Mathematica Bohemica

We study the relationships between the spectra derived from Fredholm theory corresponding to two given bounded linear operators acting on the same space. The main goal of this paper is to obtain sufficient conditions for which the spectra derived from Fredholm theory and other parts of the spectra corresponding to two given operators are preserved. As an application of our results, we give conditions for which the above mentioned spectra corresponding to two multiplication operators acting on the...

Currently displaying 481 – 500 of 11135