Displaying 5861 – 5880 of 11136

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On limits of L p -norms of an integral operator

Pavel Stavinoha (1994)

Applications of Mathematics

A recurrence relation for the computation of the L p -norms of an Hermitian Fredholm integral operator is derived and an expression giving approximately the number of eigenvalues which in absolute value are equal to the spectral radius is determined. Using the L p -norms for the approximation of the spectral radius of this operator an a priori and an a posteriori bound for the error are obtained. Some properties of the a posteriori bound are discussed.

On Lipschitz and d.c. surfaces of finite codimension in a Banach space

Luděk Zajíček (2008)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

Properties of Lipschitz and d.c. surfaces of finite codimension in a Banach space and properties of generated σ -ideals are studied. These σ -ideals naturally appear in the differentiation theory and in the abstract approximation theory. Using these properties, we improve an unpublished result of M. Heisler which gives an alternative proof of a result of D. Preiss on singular points of convex functions.

On local automorphisms and mappings that preserve idempotents

Matej Brešar, Peter Šemrl (1995)

Studia Mathematica

Let B(H) be the algebra of all bounded linear operators on a Hilbert space H. Automorphisms and antiautomorphisms are the only bijective linear mappings θ of B(H) with the property that θ(P) is an idempotent whenever P ∈ B(H) is. In case H is separable and infinite-dimensional, every local automorphism of B(H) is an automorphism.

Currently displaying 5861 – 5880 of 11136