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Heat kernel estimates for critical fractional diffusion operators

Longjie Xie, Xicheng Zhang (2014)

Studia Mathematica

We construct the heat kernel of the 1/2-order Laplacian perturbed by a first-order gradient term in Hölder spaces and a zero-order potential term in a generalized Kato class, and obtain sharp two-sided estimates as well as a gradient estimate of the heat kernel, where the proof of the lower bound is based on a probabilistic approach.

Heat kernel estimates for the Dirichlet fractional Laplacian

Zhen-Qing Chen, Panki Kim, Renming Song (2010)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society

We consider the fractional Laplacian - ( - Δ ) α / 2 on an open subset in d with zero exterior condition. We establish sharp two-sided estimates for the heat kernel of such a Dirichlet fractional Laplacian in C 1 , 1 open sets. This heat kernel is also the transition density of a rotationally symmetric α -stable process killed upon leaving a C 1 , 1 open set. Our results are the first sharp twosided estimates for the Dirichlet heat kernel of a non-local operator on open sets.

Hereditarily finitely decomposable Banach spaces

V. Perenczi (1997)

Studia Mathematica

A Banach space is said to be H D n if the maximal number of subspaces of X forming a direct sum is finite and equal to n. We study some properties of H D n spaces, and their links with hereditarily indecomposable spaces; in particular, we show that if X is complex H D n , then dim ( ( X ) / S ( X ) ) n 2 , where S(X) denotes the space of strictly singular operators on X. It follows that if X is a real hereditarily indecomposable space, then ℒ(X)/S(X) is a division ring isomorphic either to ℝ, ℂ, or ℍ, the quaternionic division ring....

Hereditarily normaloid operators.

Bhagwati Prashad Duggal (2005)

Extracta Mathematicae

A Banach space operator T belonging to B(X) is said to be hereditarily normaloid, T ∈ HN, if every part of T is normaloid; T ∈ HN is totally hereditarily normaloid, T ∈ THN, if every invertible part of T is also normaloid; and T ∈ CHN if either T ∈ THN or T - λI is in HN for every complex number λ. Class CHN is large; it contains a number of the commonly considered classes of operators. We study operators T ∈ CHN, and prove that the Riesz projection associated with a λ ∈ isoσ(T), T ∈ CHN ∩ B(H)...

Hermitian composition operators on Hardy-Smirnov spaces

Gajath Gunatillake (2017)

Concrete Operators

Let Ω be an open simply connected proper subset of the complex plane and φ an analytic self map of Ω. If f is in the Hardy-Smirnov space defined on Ω, then the operator that takes f to f ⃘ φ is a composition operator. We show that for any Ω, analytic self maps that induce bounded Hermitian composition operators are of the form Φ(w) = aw + b where a is a real number. For ceratin Ω, we completely describe values of a and b that induce bounded Hermitian composition operators.

Currently displaying 41 – 60 of 163