Displaying 1061 – 1080 of 1497

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An existence result for nonlinear evolution equations of second order

Dimitrios A. Kandilakis (1996)

Discussiones Mathematicae, Differential Inclusions, Control and Optimization

In this paper we consider a second order differential equation involving the difference of two monotone operators. Using an auxiliary equation, a priori bounds and a compactness argument we show that the differential equation has a local solution. An example is also presented in detail.

An existence theorem for an hyperbolic differential inclusion in Banach spaces

Mouffak Benchohra, Sotiris K. Ntouyas (2002)

Discussiones Mathematicae, Differential Inclusions, Control and Optimization

In this paper, we investigate the existence of solutions on unbounded domain to a hyperbolic differential inclusion in Banach spaces. We shall rely on a fixed point theorem due to Ma which is an extension to multivalued between locally convex topological spaces of Schaefer's theorem.

An Exposition of the Connection between Limit-Periodic Potentials and Profinite Groups

Z. Gan (2010)

Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena

We classify the hulls of different limit-periodic potentials and show that the hull of a limit-periodic potential is a procyclic group. We describe how limit-periodic potentials can be generated from a procyclic group and answer arising questions. As an expository paper, we discuss the connection between limit-periodic potentials and profinite groups as completely as possible and review some recent results on Schrödinger operators obtained in this...

Currently displaying 1061 – 1080 of 1497