Displaying 1221 – 1240 of 11135

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Analytic formulas for the hyperbolic distance between two contractions

Ion Suciu (1997)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

In this paper we give some analytic formulas for the hyperbolic (Harnack) distance between two contractions which permit concrete computations in several situations, including the finite-dimensional case. The main consequence of these formulas is the proof of the Schwarz-Pick Lemma. It modifies those given in [13] by the avoidance of a general Schur type formula for contractive analytic functions, more exactly by reducing the case to the more manageable situation when the function takes as values...

Analytic index formulas for elliptic corner operators

Boris Fedosov, Bert-Wolfgang Schulze, Nikolai Tarkhanov (2002)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

Spaces with corner singularities, locally modelled by cones with base spaces having conical singularities, belong to the hierarchy of (pseudo-) manifolds with piecewise smooth geometry. We consider a typical case of a manifold with corners, the so-called "edged spindle", and a natural algebra of pseudodifferential operators on it with special degeneracy in the symbols, the "corner algebra". There are three levels of principal symbols in the corner algebra, namely the interior,...

Analytic joint spectral radius in a solvable Lie algebra of operators

Daniel Beltiţă (2001)

Studia Mathematica

We introduce the concept of analytic spectral radius for a family of operators indexed by some finite measure space. This spectral radius is compared with the algebraic and geometric spectral radii when the operators belong to some finite-dimensional solvable Lie algebra. We describe several situations when the three spectral radii coincide. These results extend well known facts concerning commuting n-tuples of operators.

Analytic semigroups generated on a functional extrapolation space by variational elliptic equations

Vincenzo Vespri (1988)

Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali. Rendiconti Lincei. Matematica e Applicazioni

We prove that any elliptic operator of second order in variational form is the infinitesimal generator of an analytic semigroup in the functional space C - 1 , α ( Ω ) consinsting of all derivatives of hölder-continuous functions in Ω where Ω is a domain in n not necessarily bounded. We characterize, moreover the domain of the operator and the interpolation spaces between this and the space C - 1 , α ( Ω ) . We prove also that the spaces C - 1 , α ( Ω ) can be considered as extrapolation spaces relative to suitable non-variational operators....

Analytic semigroups on vector valued noncommutative L p -spaces

Cédric Arhancet (2013)

Studia Mathematica

We give sufficient conditions on an operator space E and on a semigroup of operators on a von Neumann algebra M to obtain a bounded analytic or R-analytic semigroup ( ( T I d E ) t 0 on the vector valued noncommutative L p -space L p ( M , E ) . Moreover, we give applications to the H ( Σ θ ) functional calculus of the generators of these semigroups, generalizing some earlier work of M. Junge, C. Le Merdy and Q. Xu.

Currently displaying 1221 – 1240 of 11135