Integral weighted convolution operators.
Soit une transformée de Stieltjes. Notant un prolongement de la fonction à , on définit, pour tout espace de Banach et pour tout opérateur sur qui soit de domaine dense, fermé, d’ensemble résolvant contenant et qui vérifie , un opérateur qui est un opérateur sur de même nature que . On montre que l’on a (où désigne le spectre étendu). En outre, l’opération a d’excellentes propriétés de stabilité. En particulier, si et si est un potentiel abstrait, est un potentiel...
We establish an inversion formula of Post-Widder type for -multiplied vector-valued Laplace transforms (α > 0). This result implies an inversion theorem for resolvents of generators of α-times integrated families (semigroups and cosine functions) which, in particular, provides a unified proof of previously known inversion formulae for α-times integrated semigroups.
In this paper we prove existence theorems for integro - differential equations , t ∈ Iₐ = [0,a] ∩ T, a ∈ R₊, x(0) = x₀ where T denotes a time scale (nonempty closed subset of real numbers R), Iₐ is a time scale interval. Functions f,k are Carathéodory functions with values in a Banach space E and the integral is taken in the sense of Henstock-Kurzweil delta integral, which generalizes the Henstock-Kurzweil integral. Additionally, functions f and k satisfy some boundary conditions and conditions...
Integro-differential equations with time-varying delay can provide us with realistic models of many real world phenomena. Delayed Lotka-Volterra predator-prey systems arise in ecology. We investigate the numerical solution of a system of two integro-differential equations with time-varying delay and the given initial function. We will present an approach based on -step methods using quadrature formulas.