Displaying 121 – 140 of 348

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Integral control of infinite-dimensional systems in the presence of hysteresis: an input-output approach

Hartmut Logemann, Eugene P. Ryan, Ilya Shvartsman (2007)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

This paper is concerned with integral control of systems with hysteresis. Using an input-output approach, it is shown that application of integral control to the series interconnection of either (a) a hysteretic input nonlinearity, an L2-stable, time-invariant linear system and a non-decreasing globally Lipschitz static output nonlinearity, or (b) an L2-stable, time-invariant linear system and a hysteretic output nonlinearity, guarantees, under certain assumptions, tracking of constant reference...

Integral equations and time varying linear systems.

Lucas Jódar (1986)


In this paper we study the resolution problem of an integral equation with operator valued kernel. We prove the equivalence between this equation and certain time varying linear operator system. Sufficient conditions for solving the problem and explicit expressions of the solutions are given.

Integral formulae for special cases of Taylor's functional calculus

D. Albrecht (1993)

Studia Mathematica

In this paper integral formulae, based on Taylor's functional calculus for several operators, are found. Special cases of these formulae include those of Vasilescu and Janas, and an integral formula for commuting operators with real spectra.

Integral operators generated by Mercer-like kernels on topological spaces

M. H. Castro, V. A. Menegatto, A. P. Peron (2012)

Colloquium Mathematicae

We analyze some aspects of Mercer's theory when the integral operators act on L²(X,σ), where X is a first countable topological space and σ is a non-degenerate measure. We obtain results akin to the well-known Mercer's theorem and, under a positive definiteness assumption on the generating kernel of the operator, we also deduce series representations for the kernel, traceability of the operator and an integration formula to compute the trace. In this way, we upgrade considerably similar results...

Integral polynomials on Banach spaces not containing 1

Raffaella Cilia, Joaquín M. Gutiérrez (2010)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

We give new characterizations of Banach spaces not containing 1 in terms of integral and p -dominated polynomials, extending to the polynomial setting a result of Cardassi and more recent results of Rosenthal.

Integral representation of the n -th derivative in de Branges-Rovnyak spaces and the norm convergence of its reproducing kernel

Emmanuel Fricain, Javad Mashreghi (2008)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

In this paper, we give an integral representation for the boundary values of derivatives of functions of the de Branges–Rovnyak spaces ( b ) , where b is in the unit ball of H ( + ) . In particular, we generalize a result of Ahern–Clark obtained for functions of the model spaces K b , where b is an inner function. Using hypergeometric series, we obtain a nontrivial formula of combinatorics for sums of binomial coefficients. Then we apply this formula to show the norm convergence of reproducing kernel k ω , n b of evaluation...

Integral representations of unbounded operators by infinitely smooth kernels

Igor Novitskiî (2005)

Open Mathematics

In this paper, we prove that every unbounded linear operator satisfying the Korotkov-Weidmann characterization is unitarily equivalent to an integral operator in L 2(R), with a bounded and infinitely smooth Carleman kernel. The established unitary equivalence is implemented by explicitly definable unitary operators.

Currently displaying 121 – 140 of 348