Displaying 81 – 100 of 409

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Equation with residuated functions

Ray A. Cuninghame-Green, Karel Zimmermann (2001)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

The structure of solution-sets for the equation F ( x ) = G ( y ) is discussed, where F , G are given residuated functions mapping between partially-ordered sets. An algorithm is proposed which produces a solution in the event of finite termination: this solution is maximal relative to initial trial values of x , y . Properties are defined which are sufficient for finite termination. The particular case of max-based linear algebra is discussed, with application to the synchronisation problem for discrete-event systems;...

Equations with discontinuous nonlinear semimonotone operators

Nguyen Buong (1999)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

The aim of this paper is to present an existence theorem for the operator equation of Hammerstein type x + K F ( x ) = 0 with the discontinuous semimonotone operator F . Then the result is used to prove the existence of solution of the equations of Urysohn type. Some examples in the theory of nonlinear equations in L p ( Ω ) are given for illustration.

Evolution equations in discrete and continuous time for nonexpansive operators in Banach spaces

Guillaume Vigeral (2010)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

We consider some discrete and continuous dynamics in a Banach space involving a non expansive operator J and a corresponding family of strictly contracting operators Φ (λ, x): = λ J( 1 - λ λ x) for λ ∈ ] 0,1] . Our motivation comes from the study of two-player zero-sum repeated games, where the value of the n-stage game (resp. the value of the λ-discounted game) satisfies the relation vn = Φ( 1 n , v n - 1 ) (resp.  v λ = Φ(λ, v λ )) where J is the Shapley operator of the game. We study the evolution equation u'(t) =...

Existence of nonzero nonnegative solutions of semilinear equations at resonance

Michal Fečkan (1998)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

The existence of nonzero nonnegative solutions are established for semilinear equations at resonance with the zero solution and possessing at most linear growth. Applications are given to nonlinear boundary value problems of ordinary differential equations.

Currently displaying 81 – 100 of 409