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Opérations sur les cartes et métamorphoses de la catégorie des G-ensembles.

Christian Léger (1991)

Revista Matemática de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid

We call metamorphosis of a given category an autoequivalence functor up to within natural equivalence. We show that, given a group G, the group of metamorphoses of the category of G-sets (as well as the corresponding group for ?sufficiently big? subcategories) may be naturally identified to the group of outer automorphism of G. We get by this way a natural description of a group of known operations on tessellations of a surface: the identity operation, the Poincaré duality, and four others which...

Ordinary differential equations and their exponentials

Anders Kock, Gonzalo Reyes (2006)

Open Mathematics

In the context of Synthetic Differential Geometry, we discuss vector fields/ordinary differential equations as actions; in particular, we exploit function space formation (exponential spaces) in the category of actions.

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