Displaying 141 – 160 of 219

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Theorems of the alternative for cones and Lyapunov regularity of matrices

Bryan Cain, Daniel Hershkowitz, Hans Schneider (1997)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

Standard facts about separating linear functionals will be used to determine how two cones C and D and their duals C * and D * may overlap. When T V W is linear and K V and D W are cones, these results will be applied to C = T ( K ) and D , giving a unified treatment of several theorems of the alternate which explain when C contains an interior point of D . The case when V = W is the space H of n × n Hermitian matrices, D is the n × n positive semidefinite matrices, and T ( X ) = A X + X * A yields new and known results about the existence of block diagonal...

Thin-shell concentration for convex measures

Matthieu Fradelizi, Olivier Guédon, Alain Pajor (2014)

Studia Mathematica

We prove that for s < 0, s-concave measures on ℝⁿ exhibit thin-shell concentration similar to the log-concave case. This leads to a Berry-Esseen type estimate for most of their one-dimensional marginal distributions. We also establish sharp reverse Hölder inequalities for s-concave measures.

Tight bounds for the dihedral angle sums of a pyramid

Sergey Korotov, Lars Fredrik Lund, Jon Eivind Vatne (2023)

Applications of Mathematics

We prove that eight dihedral angles in a pyramid with an arbitrary quadrilateral base always sum up to a number in the interval ( 3 π , 5 π ) . Moreover, for any number in ( 3 π , 5 π ) there exists a pyramid whose dihedral angle sum is equal to this number, which means that the lower and upper bounds are tight. Furthermore, the improved (and tight) upper bound 4 π is derived for the class of pyramids with parallelogramic bases. This includes pyramids with rectangular bases, often used in finite element mesh generation and...

Tiling and spectral properties of near-cubic domains

Mihail N. Kolountzakis, Izabella Łaba (2004)

Studia Mathematica

We prove that if a measurable domain tiles ℝ or ℝ² by translations, and if it is "close enough" to a line segment or a square respectively, then it admits a lattice tiling. We also prove a similar result for spectral sets in dimension 1, and give an example showing that there is no analogue of the tiling result in dimensions 3 and higher.

Currently displaying 141 – 160 of 219