Displaying 121 – 140 of 611

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Curvature on a graph via its geometric spectrum

Paul Baird (2013)

Actes des rencontres du CIRM

We approach the problem of defining curvature on a graph by attempting to attach a ‘best-fit polytope’ to each vertex, or more precisely what we refer to as a configured star. How this should be done depends upon the global structure of the graph which is reflected in its geometric spectrum. Mean curvature is the most natural curvature that arises in this context and corresponds to local liftings of the graph into a suitable Euclidean space. We discuss some examples.

Decomposability of Abstract and Path-Induced Convexities in Hypergraphs

Francesco Mario Malvestuto, Marina Moscarini (2015)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

An abstract convexity space on a connected hypergraph H with vertex set V (H) is a family C of subsets of V (H) (to be called the convex sets of H) such that: (i) C contains the empty set and V (H), (ii) C is closed under intersection, and (iii) every set in C is connected in H. A convex set X of H is a minimal vertex convex separator of H if there exist two vertices of H that are separated by X and are not separated by any convex set that is a proper subset of X. A nonempty subset X of V (H) is...

Currently displaying 121 – 140 of 611