Displaying 521 – 540 of 704

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Three dimensional near-horizon metrics that are Einstein-Weyl

Matthew Randall (2017)

Archivum Mathematicum

We investigate which three dimensional near-horizon metrics g N H admit a compatible 1-form X such that ( X , [ g N H ] ) defines an Einstein-Weyl structure. We find explicit examples and see that some of the solutions give rise to Einstein-Weyl structures of dispersionless KP type and dispersionless Hirota (aka hyperCR) type.

Three results on the regularity of the curves that are invariant by an exact symplectic twist map

M.-C. Arnaud (2009)

Publications Mathématiques de l'IHÉS

A theorem due to G. D. Birkhoff states that every essential curve which is invariant under a symplectic twist map of the annulus is the graph of a Lipschitz map. We prove: if the graph of a Lipschitz map h:T→R is invariant under a symplectic twist map, then h is a little bit more regular than simply Lipschitz (Theorem 1); we deduce that there exists a Lipschitz map h:T→R whose graph is invariant under no symplectic twist map (Corollary 2).Assuming that the dynamic of a twist map restricted to a...

Three-dimensional curvature homogeneous hypersurfaces

Giovanni Calvaruso, Rosa Anna Marinosci, Domenico Perrone (2000)

Archivum Mathematicum

This paper is motivated by the open problem whether a three-dimensional curvature homogeneous hypersurface of a real space form is locally homogeneous or not. We give some partial positive answers.

Three-parametric robot manipulators with parallel rotational axes

Ján Bakša (2007)

Applications of Mathematics

The paper deals with asymptotic motions of 3-parametric robot manipulators with parallel rotational axes. To describe them we use the theory of Lie groups and Lie algebras. An example of such motions are motions with the zero Coriolis accelerations. We will show that there are asymptotic motions with nonzero Coriolis accelerations. We introduce the notions of the Klein subspace, the Coriolis subspace and show their relation to asymptotic motions of robot manipulators. The asymptotic motions are...

Through the analytic halo: Fission via irregular singularities

Philip Boalch (2009)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

This article is concerned with moduli spaces of connections on bundles on Riemann surfaces, where the structure group of the bundle may vary in different regions of the surface. Here we will describe such moduli spaces as complex symplectic manifolds, generalising the complex character varieties of Riemann surfaces.

Currently displaying 521 – 540 of 704