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Generalized Einstein manifolds

Formella, Stanisław (1990)

Proceedings of the Winter School "Geometry and Physics"

[For the entire collection see Zbl 0699.00032.] A manifold (M,g) is said to be generalized Einstein manifold if the following condition is satisfied ( X S ) ( Y , Z ) = σ ( X ) g ( Y , Z ) + ν ( Y ) g ( X , Z ) + ν ( Z ) g ( X , Y ) where S(X,Y) is the Ricci tensor of (M,g) and σ (X), ν (X) are certain -forms. In the present paper the author studies properties of conformal and geodesic mappings of generalized Einstein manifolds. He gives the local classification of generalized Einstein manifolds when g( ψ (X), ψ (X)) 0 .

Generalized Hantzsche-Wendt flat manifolds.

Juan P. Rossetti, Andrzey Szczepanski (2005)

Revista Matemática Iberoamericana

We study the family of closed Riemannian n-manifolds with holonomy group isomorphic to Z2n-1, which we call generalized Hantzsche-Wendt manifolds. We prove results on their structure, compute some invariants, and find relations between them, illustrated in a graph connecting the family.

Generalized Jacobi morphisms in variational sequences

Francaviglia, Mauro, Palese, Marcella (2002)

Proceedings of the 21st Winter School "Geometry and Physics"

Summary: We provide a geometric interpretation of generalized Jacobi morphisms in the framework of finite order variational sequences. Jacobi morphisms arise classically as an outcome of an invariant decomposition of the second variation of a Lagrangian. Here they are characterized in the context of generalized Lagrangian symmetries in terms of variational Lie derivatives of generalized Euler-Lagrange morphisms. We introduce the variational vertical derivative and stress its link with the classical...

Generalized Kählerian manifolds and transformation of generalized contact structures

Habib Bouzir, Gherici Beldjilali, Mohamed Belkhelfa, Aissa Wade (2017)

Archivum Mathematicum

The aim of this paper is two-fold. First, new generalized Kähler manifolds are constructed starting from both classical almost contact metric and almost Kählerian manifolds. Second, the transformation construction on classical Riemannian manifolds is extended to the generalized geometry setting.

Generalized m-quasi-Einstein metric within the framework of Sasakian and K-contact manifolds

Amalendu Ghosh (2015)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

We consider generalized m-quasi-Einstein metric within the framework of Sasakian and K-contact manifolds. First, we prove that a complete Sasakian manifold M admitting a generalized m-quasi-Einstein metric is compact and isometric to the unit sphere S 2 n + 1 . Next, we generalize this to complete K-contact manifolds with m ≠ 1.

Generalized PN manifolds and separation of variables

Fernand Pelletier, Patrick Cabau (2008)

Banach Center Publications

The notion of generalized PN manifold is a framework which allows one to get properties of first integrals of the associated bihamiltonian system: conditions of existence of a bi-abelian subalgebra obtained from the momentum map and characterization of such an algebra linked with the problem of separation of variables.

Generalized P-reducible (α,β)-metrics with vanishing S-curvature

A. Tayebi, H. Sadeghi (2015)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

We study one of the open problems in Finsler geometry presented by Matsumoto-Shimada in 1977, about the existence of a concrete P-reducible metric, i.e. one which is not C-reducible. In order to do this, we study a class of Finsler metrics, called generalized P-reducible metrics, which contains the class of P-reducible metrics. We prove that every generalized P-reducible (α,β)-metric with vanishing S-curvature reduces to a Berwald metric or a C-reducible metric. It follows that there is no concrete...

Generalized symmetric spaces and minimal models

Anna Dumańska-Małyszko, Zofia Stępień, Aleksy Tralle (1996)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

We prove that any compact simply connected manifold carrying a structure of Riemannian 3- or 4-symmetric space is formal in the sense of Sullivan. This result generalizes Sullivan's classical theorem on the formality of symmetric spaces, but the proof is of a different nature, since for generalized symmetric spaces techniques based on the Hodge theory do not work. We use the Thomas theory of minimal models of fibrations and the classification of 3- and 4-symmetric spaces.

Currently displaying 41 – 60 of 288