Displaying 81 – 100 of 283

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Helicoidal surfaces in Minkowski space with constant mean curvature and constant Gauss curvature

Rafael López, Esma Demir (2014)

Open Mathematics

We classify all helicoidal non-degenerate surfaces in Minkowski space with constant mean curvature whose generating curve is a the graph of a polynomial or a Lorentzian circle. In the first case, we prove that the degree of the polynomial is 0 or 1 and that the surface is ruled. If the generating curve is a Lorentzian circle, we prove that the only possibility is that the axis is spacelike and the center of the circle lies on the axis.

Hermitian curvature flow

Jeffrey Streets, Gang Tian (2011)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society

We define a functional for Hermitian metrics using the curvature of the Chern connection. The Euler–Lagrange equation for this functional is an elliptic equation for Hermitian metrics. Solutions to this equation are related to Kähler–Einstein metrics, and are automatically Kähler–Einstein under certain conditions. Given this, a natural parabolic flow equation arises. We prove short time existence and regularity results for this flow, as well as stability for the flow near Kähler–Einstein metrics...

Hermitian Manifolds of Pointwise Constant Antiholomorphic Sectional Curvatures

Ganchev, Georgi, Kassabov, Ognian (2007)

Serdica Mathematical Journal

2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary 53B35, Secondary 53C50.In dimension greater than four, we prove that if a Hermitian non-Kaehler manifold is of pointwise constant antiholomorphic sectional curvatures, then it is of constant sectional curvatures.

Hermitian spin surfaces with small eigenvalues of the Dolbeault operator

Bogdan Alexandrov (2004)

Annales de l'Institut Fourier

We study the compact Hermitian spin surfaces with positive conformal scalar curvature on which the first eigenvalue of the Dolbeault operator of the spin structure is the smallest possible. We prove that such a surface is either a ruled surface or a Hopf surface. We give a complete classification of the ruled surfaces with this property. For the Hopf surfaces we obtain a partial classification and some examples

Hierarchy of integrable geodesic flows.

Peter Topalov (2000)

Publicacions Matemàtiques

A family of integrable geodesic flows is obtained. Any such a family corresponds to a pair of geodesically equivalent metrics.

Currently displaying 81 – 100 of 283