Displaying 1341 – 1360 of 8738

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Conformal Killing graphs in foliated Riemannian spaces with density: rigidity and stability

Marco L. A. Velásquez, André F. A. Ramalho, Henrique F. de Lima, Márcio S. Santos, Arlandson M. S. Oliveira (2021)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

In this paper we investigate the geometry of conformal Killing graphs in a Riemannian manifold M ¯ f n + 1 endowed with a weight function f and having a closed conformal Killing vector field V with conformal factor ψ V , that is, graphs constructed through the flow generated by V and which are defined over an integral leaf of the foliation V orthogonal to V . For such graphs, we establish some rigidity results under appropriate constraints on the f -mean curvature. Afterwards, we obtain some stability results...

Conformal nullity of isotropic submanifolds

Vladimir Rovenski (2005)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

We introduce and study submanifolds with extrinsic curvature and second fundamental form related by an inequality that holds for isotropic submanifolds and becomes equality for totally umbilical submanifolds. The dimension of umbilical subspaces and the index of conformal nullity of these submanifolds with low codimension are estimated from below. The corollaries are characterizations of extrinsic spheres in Riemannian spaces of positive curvature.

Conformal Ricci Soliton in Lorentzian α -Sasakian Manifolds

Tamalika Dutta, Nirabhra Basu, Arindam BHATTACHARYYA (2016)

Acta Universitatis Palackianae Olomucensis. Facultas Rerum Naturalium. Mathematica

In this paper we have studied conformal curvature tensor, conharmonic curvature tensor, projective curvature tensor in Lorentzian α -Sasakian manifolds admitting conformal Ricci soliton. We have found that a Weyl conformally semi symmetric Lorentzian α -Sasakian manifold admitting conformal Ricci soliton is η -Einstein manifold. We have also studied conharmonically Ricci symmetric Lorentzian α -Sasakian manifold admitting conformal Ricci soliton. Similarly we have proved that a Lorentzian α -Sasakian...

Conformal vector fields on Finsler manifolds

József Szilasi, Anna Tóth (2011)

Communications in Mathematics

Applying concepts and tools from classical tangent bundle geometry and using the apparatus of the calculus along the tangent bundle projection (‘pull-back formalism’), first we enrich the known lists of the characterizations of affine vector fields on a spray manifold and conformal vector fields on a Finsler manifold. Second, we deduce consequences on vector fields on the underlying manifold of a Finsler structure having one or two of the mentioned geometric properties.

Conformally bending three-manifolds with boundary

Matthew Gursky, Jeffrey Streets, Micah Warren (2010)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

Given a three-dimensional manifold with boundary, the Cartan-Hadamard theorem implies that there are obstructions to filling the interior of the manifold with a complete metric of negative curvature. In this paper, we show that any three-dimensional manifold with boundary can be filled conformally with a complete metric satisfying a pinching condition: given any small constant, the ratio of the largest sectional curvature to (the absolute value of) the scalar curvature is less than this constant....

Currently displaying 1341 – 1360 of 8738