Displaying 141 – 160 of 384

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Fuzzy inverse compactness.

Aygün, Halis, Bural, A.Arzu, Kudri, S.R.T. (2008)

International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences

Generalized Helly spaces, continuity of monotone functions, and metrizing maps

Lech Drewnowski, Artur Michalak (2008)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

Given an ordered metric space (in particular, a Banach lattice) E, the generalized Helly space H(E) is the set of all increasing functions from the interval [0,1] to E considered with the topology of pointwise convergence, and E is said to have property (λ) if each of these functions has only countably many points of discontinuity. The main objective of the paper is to study those ordered metric spaces C(K,E), where K is a compact space, that have property (λ). In doing so, the guiding idea comes...

Group reflection and precompact paratopological groups

Mikhail Tkachenko (2013)

Topological Algebra and its Applications

We construct a precompact completely regular paratopological Abelian group G of size (2ω)+ such that all subsets of G of cardinality ≤ 2ω are closed. This shows that Protasov’s theorem on non-closed discrete subsets of precompact topological groups cannot be extended to paratopological groups. We also prove that the group reflection of the product of an arbitrary family of paratopological (even semitopological) groups is topologically isomorphic to the product of the group reflections of the factors,...

Hyperspace selections avoiding points

Valentin Gutev (2022)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

We deal with a hyperspace selection problem in the setting of connected spaces. We present two solutions of this problem illustrating the difference between selections for the nonempty closed sets, and those for the at most two-point sets. In the first case, we obtain a characterisation of compact orderable spaces. In the latter case --- that of selections for at most two-point sets, the same selection property is equivalent to the existence of a ternary relation on the space, known as a cyclic...

Interpolation of κ -compactness and PCF

István Juhász, Zoltán Szentmiklóssy (2009)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

We call a topological space κ -compact if every subset of size κ has a complete accumulation point in it. Let Φ ( μ , κ , λ ) denote the following statement: μ < κ < λ = cf ( λ ) and there is { S ξ : ξ < λ } [ κ ] μ such that | { ξ : | S ξ A | = μ } | < λ whenever A [ κ ] < κ . We show that if Φ ( μ , κ , λ ) holds and the space X is both μ -compact and λ -compact then X is κ -compact as well. Moreover, from PCF theory we deduce Φ ( cf ( κ ) , κ , κ + ) for every singular cardinal κ . As a corollary we get that a linearly Lindelöf and ω -compact space is uncountably compact, that is κ -compact for all uncountable cardinals κ .

Isometric embeddings of a class of separable metric spaces into Banach spaces

Sophocles K. Mercourakis, Vassiliadis G. Vassiliadis (2018)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

Let ( M , d ) be a bounded countable metric space and c > 0 a constant, such that d ( x , y ) + d ( y , z ) - d ( x , z ) c , for any pairwise distinct points x , y , z of M . For such metric spaces we prove that they can be isometrically embedded into any Banach space containing an isomorphic copy of .

L J -spaces

Yin-Zhu Gao (2007)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

In this paper L J -spaces are introduced and studied. They are a common generalization of Lindelöf spaces and J -spaces researched by E. Michael. A space X is called an L J -space if, whenever { A , B } is a closed cover of X with A B compact, then A or B is Lindelöf. Semi-strong L J -spaces and strong L J -spaces are also defined and investigated. It is demonstrated that the three spaces are different and have interesting properties and behaviors.

La genèse du théorème de recouvrement de Borel

Bernard Maurey, Jean-Pierre Tacchi (2005)

Revue d'histoire des mathématiques

Nous nous proposons de rendre à Émile Borel le mérite d’avoir considéré le premier un recouvrement d’un segment de droite par une suite infinie d’intervalles et prouvé que l’on peut en extraire un sous-recouvrement fini. L’appellation de théorème de Heine-Borel souvent donnée à ce résultat, en référence à un article de Heine de 1872, conduit à sous-estimer les différences avec le théorème sur la continuité uniforme (dont une première version peut être attribuée à Dirichlet, en 1854) ; cette dénomination...

Currently displaying 141 – 160 of 384