Displaying 21 – 40 of 3053

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A Chen model for mapping spaces and the surface product

Grégory Ginot, Thomas Tradler, Mahmoud Zeinalian (2010)

Annales scientifiques de l'École Normale Supérieure

We develop a machinery of Chen iterated integrals for higher Hochschild complexes. These are complexes whose differentials are modeled on an arbitrary simplicial set much in the same way the ordinary Hochschild differential is modeled on the circle. We use these to give algebraic models for general mapping spaces and define and study the surface product operation on the homology of mapping spaces of surfaces of all genera into a manifold. This is an analogue of the loop product in string topology....

A classification of cohomology transfers for ramified covering maps

Marcelo A. Aguilar, Carlos Prieto (2006)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We construct a cohomology transfer for n-fold ramified covering maps. Then we define a very general concept of transfer for ramified covering maps and prove a classification theorem for such transfers. This generalizes Roush's classification of transfers for n-fold ordinary covering maps. We characterize those representable cofunctors which admit a family of transfers for ramified covering maps that have two naturality properties, as well as normalization and stability. This is analogous to Roush's...

A classification of small homotopy functors from spectra to spectra

Boris Chorny (2016)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We show that every small homotopy functor from spectra to spectra is weakly equivalent to a filtered colimit of representable functors represented in cofibrant spectra. Moreover, we present this classification as a Quillen equivalence of the category of small functors from spectra to spectra equipped with the homotopy model structure and the opposite of the pro-category of spectra with the strict model structure.

A cohomological index of Fuller type for parameterized set-valued maps in normed spaces

Robert Skiba (2014)

Open Mathematics

We construct a cohomological index of the Fuller type for set-valued flows in normed linear spaces satisfying the properties of existence, excision, additivity, homotopy and topological invariance. In particular, the constructed index detects periodic orbits and stationary points of set-valued dynamical systems, i.e., those generated by differential inclusions. The basic methods to calculate the index are also presented.

A complement to the theory of equivariant finiteness obstructions

Paweł Andrzejewski (1996)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

It is known ([1], [2]) that a construction of equivariant finiteness obstructions leads to a family w α H ( X ) of elements of the groups K 0 ( [ π 0 ( W H ( X ) ) α * ] ) . We prove that every family w α H of elements of the groups K 0 ( [ π 0 ( W H ( X ) ) α * ] ) can be realized as the family of equivariant finiteness obstructions w α H ( X ) of an appropriate finitely dominated G-complex X. As an application of this result we show the natural equivalence of the geometric construction of equivariant finiteness obstruction ([5], [6]) and equivariant generalization of Wall’s obstruction...

A conjecture on the unstable Adams spectral sequences for SO and U

Kathryn Lesh (2002)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We give a systematic account of a conjecture suggested by Mark Mahowald on the unstable Adams spectral sequences for the groups SO and U. The conjecture is related to a conjecture of Bousfield on a splitting of the E₂-term and to an algebraic spectral sequence constructed by Bousfield and Davis. We construct and realize topologically a chain complex which is conjectured to contain in its differential the structure of the unstable Adams spectral sequence for SO. A filtration of this chain complex...

A construction of noncontractible simply connected cell-like two-dimensional Peano continua

Katsuya Eda, Umed H. Karimov, Dušan Repovš (2007)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

Using the topologist sine curve we present a new functorial construction of cone-like spaces, starting in the category of all path-connected topological spaces with a base point and continuous maps, and ending in the subcategory of all simply connected spaces. If one starts from a noncontractible n-dimensional Peano continuum for any n > 0, then our construction yields a simply connected noncontractible (n + 1)-dimensional cell-like Peano continuum. In particular, starting from the circle 𝕊¹,...

Currently displaying 21 – 40 of 3053