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On Bott-periodic algebraic K-theory.

Felipe Zaldívar (1994)

Publicacions Matemàtiques

Let K*(A;Z/ln) denote the mod-ln algebraic K-theory of a Z[1/l]-algebra A. Snaith ([14], [15], [16]) has studied Bott-periodic algebraic theory Ki(A;Z/ln)[1/βn], a localized version of K*(A;Z/ln) obtained by inverting a Bott element βn. For l an odd prime, Snaith has given a description of K*(A;Z/ln)[1/βn] using Adams maps between Moore spectra. These constructions are interesting, in particular for their connections with Lichtenbaum-Quillen conjecture [16].In this paper we obtain a description...

On cat(X p ).

Rivadeneyra Perez, Juan Julian (1992)

International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences

On certain homotopy actions of general linear groups on iterated products

Ran Levi, Stewart Priddy (2001)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

The n -fold product X n of an arbitrary space usually supports only the obvious permutation action of the symmetric group Σ n . However, if X is a p -complete, homotopy associative, homotopy commutative H -space one can define a homotopy action of GL n ( p ) on X n . In various cases, e.g. if multiplication by p r is null homotopic then we get a homotopy action of G L n ( / p r ) for some r . After one suspension this allows one to split X n using idempotents of 𝔽 p GL n ( / p ) which can be lifted to 𝔽 p GL n ( / p r ) . In fact all of this is possible if X is an H -space...

On co-H-spaces.

G. Mislin, Peter Hilton, J. Roitberg (1978)

Commentarii mathematici Helvetici

On compact symplectic and Kählerian solvmanifolds which are not completely solvable

Aleksy Tralle (1997)

Colloquium Mathematicae

We are interested in the problem of describing compact solvmanifolds admitting symplectic and Kählerian structures. This was first considered in [3, 4] and [7]. These papers used the Hattori theorem concerning the cohomology of solvmanifolds hence the results obtained covered only the completely solvable case}. Our results do not use the assumption of complete solvability. We apply our methods to construct a new example of a compact symplectic non-Kählerian solvmanifold.

Currently displaying 41 – 60 of 400