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A formula for topology/deformations and its significance

Ruth Lawrence, Dennis Sullivan (2014)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

The formula is e = ( a d e ) b + i = 0 ( B i ) / i ! ( a d e ) i ( b - a ) , with ∂a + 1/2 [a,a] = 0 and ∂b + 1/2 [b,b] = 0, where a, b and e in degrees -1, -1 and 0 are the free generators of a completed free graded Lie algebra L[a,b,e]. The coefficients are defined by x / ( e x - 1 ) = n = 0 B / n ! x . The theorem is that ∙ this formula for ∂ on generators extends to a derivation of square zero on L[a,b,e]; ∙ the formula for ∂e is unique satisfying the first property, once given the formulae for ∂a and ∂b, along with the condition that the “flow” generated by e moves a to b in unit...

A functional S-dual in a strong shape category

Friedrich Bauer (1997)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

In the S-category P (with compact-open strong shape mappings, cf. §1, instead of continuous mappings, and arbitrary finite-dimensional separable metrizable spaces instead of finite polyhedra) there exists according to [1], [2] an S-duality. The S-dual D X , X = ( X , n ) P , turns out to be of the same weak homotopy type as an appropriately defined functional dual ( S 0 ) X ¯ (Corollary 4.9). Sometimes the functional object X Y ¯ is of the same weak homotopy type as the “real” function space X Y (§5).

A G -minimal model for principal G -bundles

Shrawan Kumar (1982)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

Sullivan associated a uniquely determined D G A | Q to any simply connected simplicial complex E . This algebra (called minimal model) contains the total (and exactly) rational homotopy information of the space E . In case E is the total space of a principal G -bundle, ( G is a compact connected Lie-group) we associate a G -equivariant model U G [ E ] , which is a collection of “ G -homotopic” D G A ’s | R with G -action. U G [ E ] will, in general, be different from the Sullivan’s minimal model of the space E . U G [ E ] contains the total rational...

A geometric description of differential cohomology

Ulrich Bunke, Matthias Kreck, Thomas Schick (2010)

Annales mathématiques Blaise Pascal

In this paper we give a geometric cobordism description of differential integral cohomology. The main motivation to consider this model (for other models see [5, 6, 7, 8]) is that it allows for simple descriptions of both the cup product and the integration. In particular it is very easy to verify the compatibilty of these structures. We proceed in a similar way in the case of differential cobordism as constructed in [4]. There the starting point was Quillen’s cobordism description of singular cobordism...

A homological selection theorem implying a division theorem for Q-manifolds

Taras Banakh, Robert Cauty (2007)

Banach Center Publications

We prove that a space M with Disjoint Disk Property is a Q-manifold if and only if M × X is a Q-manifold for some C-space X. This implies that the product M × I² of a space M with the disk is a Q-manifold if and only if M × X is a Q-manifold for some C-space X. The proof of these theorems exploits the homological characterization of Q-manifolds due to Daverman and Walsh, combined with the existence of G-stable points in C-spaces. To establish the existence of such points we prove (and afterward...

Currently displaying 61 – 80 of 311