Displaying 861 – 880 of 3052

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Extensions of hom-Lie algebras in terms of cohomology

Abdoreza R. Armakan, Mohammed Reza Farhangdoost (2017)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

We study (non-abelian) extensions of a given hom-Lie algebra and provide a geometrical interpretation of extensions, in particular, we characterize an extension of a hom-Lie algebra 𝔤 by another hom-Lie algebra 𝔥 and discuss the case where 𝔥 has no center. We also deal with the setting of covariant exterior derivatives, Chevalley derivative, Maurer-Cartan formula, curvature and the Bianchi identity for the possible extensions in differential geometry. Moreover, we find a cohomological obstruction...

Extensions of umbral calculus II: double delta operators, Leibniz extensions and Hattori-Stong theorems

Francis Clarke, John Hunton, Nigel Ray (2001)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

We continue our programme of extending the Roman-Rota umbral calculus to the setting of delta operators over a graded ring E * with a view to applications in algebraic topology and the theory of formal group laws. We concentrate on the situation where E * is free of additive torsion, in which context the central issues are number- theoretic questions of divisibility. We study polynomial algebras which admit the action of two delta operators linked by an invertible power series, and make related constructions...

F σ -absorbing sequences in hyperspaces of subcontinua

Helma Gladdines (1993)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

Let 𝒟 denote a true dimension function, i.e., a dimension function such that 𝒟 ( n ) = n for all n . For a space X , we denote the hyperspace consisting of all compact connected, non-empty subsets by C ( X ) . If X is a countable infinite product of non-degenerate Peano continua, then the sequence ( 𝒟 n ( C ( X ) ) ) n = 2 is F σ -absorbing in C ( X ) . As a consequence, there is a homeomorphism h : C ( X ) Q such that for all n , h [ { A C ( X ) : 𝒟 ( A ) n + 1 } ] = B n × Q × Q × , where B denotes the pseudo boundary of the Hilbert cube Q . It follows that if X is a countable infinite product of non-degenerate...

Factorwise rigidity of embeddings of products of pseudo-arcs

Mauricio E. Chacón-Tirado, Alejandro Illanes, Rocío Leonel (2012)

Colloquium Mathematicae

An embedding from a Cartesian product of two spaces into the Cartesian product of two spaces is said to be factorwise rigid provided that it is the product of embeddings on the individual factors composed with a permutation of the coordinates. We prove that each embedding of a product of two pseudo-arcs into itself is factorwise rigid. As a consequence, if X and Y are metric continua with the property that each of their nondegenerate proper subcontinua is homeomorphic to the pseudo-arc, then X ×...

Currently displaying 861 – 880 of 3052