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A contribution to the topological classification of the spaces Ср(X)

Robert Cauty, Tadeusz Dobrowolski, Witold Marciszewski (1993)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We prove that for each countably infinite, regular space X such that C p ( X ) is a Z σ -space, the topology of C p ( X ) is determined by the class F 0 ( C p ( X ) ) of spaces embeddable onto closed subsets of C p ( X ) . We show that C p ( X ) , whenever Borel, is of an exact multiplicative class; it is homeomorphic to the absorbing set Ω α for the multiplicative Borel class M α if F 0 ( C p ( X ) ) = M α . For each ordinal α ≥ 2, we provide an example X α such that C p ( X α ) is homeomorphic to Ω α .

A note on linear mappings between function spaces

Jan Baars (1993)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

Arhangel’skiǐ proved that if X and Y are completely regular spaces such that C p ( X ) and C p ( Y ) are linearly homeomorphic, then X is pseudocompact if and only if Y is pseudocompact. In addition he proved the same result for compactness, σ -compactness and realcompactness. In this paper we prove that if φ : C p ( X ) C p ( X ) is a continuous linear surjection, then Y is pseudocompact provided X is and if φ is a continuous linear injection, then X is pseudocompact provided Y is. We also give examples that both statements do not hold...

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