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- 57-XX Manifolds and cell complexes
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The paper concerns a -rigidity result for the characteristic foliations in symplectic geometry. A symplectic homeomorphism (in the sense of Eliashberg-Gromov) which preserves a smooth hypersurface also preserves its characteristic foliation.
We describe unicorn paths in the arc graph and show that they form 1-slim triangles and are invariant under taking subpaths. We deduce that all arc graphs are 7-hyperbolic. Considering the same paths in the arc and curve graph, this also shows that all curve graphs are 17-hyperbolic, including closed surfaces.
We describe a combinatorial algorithm for constructing all orientable 3-manifolds with a given standard bidimensional spine by making use of the idea of bijoin (Bandieri and Gagliardi (1982), Graselli (1985)) over a suitable pseudosimplicial triangulation of the spine.
The aim of this article is to answer a question posed by J. Oprea in his talk at the Workshop "Homotopy and Geometry".
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