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Separable solutions of quasilinear Lane–Emden equations

Alessio Porretta, Laurent Véron (2013)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society

For 0 < p - 1 < q and either ϵ = 1 or ϵ = - 1 , we prove the existence of solutions of - Δ p u = ϵ u q in a cone C S , with vertex 0 and opening S , vanishing on C S , of the form u ( x ) = x - β ω ( x / x ) . The problem reduces to a quasilinear elliptic equation on S and the existence proof is based upon degree theory and homotopy methods. We also obtain a nonexistence result in some critical case by making use of an integral type identity.

Separatrices for non solvable dynamics on , 0

Isao Nakai (1994)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

We define the separatrices for pseudogroups of diffeomorphisms of open neighbourhoods of the origin in the complex plane and prove their existence for non solvable pseudogroups (Theorem 1). This extends a result by Shcherbakov (in [21]) accurately. Our method also applies to prove the topological rigidity theorem for generic pseudogroups attributed to Shcherbakov (dans [20]).

Sharp bounds for the intersection of nodal lines with certain curves

Junehyuk Jung (2014)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society

Let Y be a hyperbolic surface and let φ be a Laplacian eigenfunction having eigenvalue - 1 / 4 - τ 2 with τ > 0 . Let N ( φ ) be the set of nodal lines of φ . For a fixed analytic curve γ of finite length, we study the number of intersections between N ( φ ) and γ in terms of τ . When Y is compact and γ a geodesic circle, or when Y has finite volume and γ is a closed horocycle, we prove that γ is “good” in the sense of [TZ]. As a result, we obtain that the number of intersections between N ( φ ) and γ is O ( τ ) . This bound is sharp.

Sharp estimates of the Green function of hyperbolic Brownian motion

Kamil Bogus, Tomasz Byczkowski, Jacek Małecki (2015)

Studia Mathematica

The main objective of the work is to provide sharp two-sided estimates of the λ-Green function, λ ≥ 0, of the hyperbolic Brownian motion of a half-space. We rely on the recent results obtained by K. Bogus and J. Małecki (2015), regarding precise estimates of the Bessel heat kernel for half-lines. We also substantially use the results of H. Matsumoto and M. Yor (2005) on distributions of exponential functionals of Brownian motion.

Currently displaying 41 – 60 of 534