Displaying 121 – 140 of 533

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A logarithmic Sobolev form of the Li-Yau parabolic inequality.

Dominique Bakry, Michel Ledoux (2006)

Revista Matemática Iberoamericana

We present a finite dimensional version of the logarithmic Sobolev inequality for heat kernel measures of non-negatively curved diffusion operators that contains and improves upon the Li-Yau parabolic inequality. This new inequality is of interest already in Euclidean space for the standard Gaussian measure. The result may also be seen as an extended version of the semigroup commutation properties under curvature conditions. It may be applied to reach optimal Euclidean logarithmic Sobolev inequalities...

A lossless reduction of geodesics on supermanifolds to non-graded differential geometry

Stéphane Garnier, Matthias Kalus (2014)

Archivum Mathematicum

Let = ( M , 𝒪 ) be a smooth supermanifold with connection and Batchelor model 𝒪 Γ Λ E * . From ( , ) we construct a connection on the total space of the vector bundle E M . This reduction of is well-defined independently of the isomorphism 𝒪 Γ Λ E * . It erases information, but however it turns out that the natural identification of supercurves in (as maps from 1 | 1 to ) with curves in E restricts to a 1 to 1 correspondence on geodesics. This bijection is induced by a natural identification of initial conditions for geodesics...

A mean-value lemma and applications

Alessandro Savo (2001)

Bulletin de la Société Mathématique de France

We control the gap between the mean value of a function on a submanifold (or a point), and its mean value on any tube around the submanifold (in fact, we give the exact value of the second derivative of the gap). We apply this formula to obtain comparison theorems between eigenvalues of the Laplace-Beltrami operator, and then to compute the first three terms of the asymptotic time-expansion of a heat diffusion process on convex polyhedrons in euclidean spaces of arbitrary dimension. We also write...

A metric approach to a class of doubly nonlinear evolution equations and applications

Riccarda Rossi, Alexander Mielke, Giuseppe Savaré (2008)

Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa - Classe di Scienze

This paper deals with the analysis of a class of doubly nonlinear evolution equations in the framework of a general metric space. We propose for such equations a suitable metric formulation (which in fact extends the notion of Curve of Maximal Slopefor gradient flows in metric spaces, see [5]), and prove the existence of solutions for the related Cauchy problem by means of an approximation scheme by time discretization. Then, we apply our results to obtain the existence of solutions to abstract...

Currently displaying 121 – 140 of 533