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Faisceaux analytiques semi-cohérents

Jean Merrien (1980)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

Nous définissons deux notions nouvelles en géométrie analytique réelle, celle de fonction Nash-analytique et celle de faisceau semi-cohérent. Avec ces notions, nous obtenons des théorèmes de cohérence analogues à ceux du cas complexe (théorème de cohérence d’Oka, théorème de l’image directe, cohérence d’un ensemble analytique complexe).

Finiteness problems on Nash manifolds and Nash sets

José F. Fernando, José Manuel Gamboa, Jesús M. Ruiz (2014)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society

We study here several finiteness problems concerning affine Nash manifolds M and Nash subsets X . Three main results are: (i) A Nash function on a semialgebraic subset Z of M has a Nash extension to an open semialgebraic neighborhood of Z in M , (ii) A Nash set X that has only normal crossings in M can be covered by finitely many open semialgebraic sets U equipped with Nash diffeomorphisms ( u 1 , , u m ) : U m such that U X = { u 1 u r = 0 } , (iii) Every affine Nash manifold with corners N is a closed subset of an affine Nash manifold...

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