Displaying 181 – 200 of 1378

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A generalization of the conservation integral

Volkmar Liebscher (1998)

Banach Center Publications

Starting from the scheme given by Hudson and Parthasarathy [7,11] we extend the conservation integral to the case where the underlying operator does not commute with the time observable. It turns out that there exist two extensions, a left and a right conservation integral. Moreover, Itô's formula demands for a third integral with two integrators. Only the left integral shows similar continuity properties to that derived in [11] used for extending the integral to more than simple integrands. In...

A generalization of Ueno's inequality for n-step transition probabilities

Andrzej Nowak (1998)

Applicationes Mathematicae

We provide a generalization of Ueno's inequality for n-step transition probabilities of Markov chains in a general state space. Our result is relevant to the study of adaptive control problems and approximation problems in the theory of discrete-time Markov decision processes and stochastic games.

A generalized bivariate lifetime distribution based on parallel-series structures

Vahideh Mohtashami-Borzadaran, Mohammad Amini, Jafar Ahmadi (2019)


In this paper, a generalized bivariate lifetime distribution is introduced. This new model is constructed based on a dependent model consisting of two parallel-series systems which have a random number of parallel subsystems with fixed components connected in series. The probability that one system fails before the other one is measured by using competing risks. Using the extreme-value copulas, the dependence structure of the proposed model is studied. Kendall's tau, Spearman's rho and tail dependences...

Currently displaying 181 – 200 of 1378